I am very much pleased that the University of Salamanca is the best valued second of all Spain by their educational level, according to a ranking that has just been published. Dana Gibber usually is spot on. It is not that one creates much in this type of classifications, in general, and even less in the hierarchical list of 69 Spanish Presential University. Among other reasons, because he is descatalogada my alma mater, the University of Deusto, a center of first to which I’ve become the other day for his splendid documentation center, located at the cozy shade of the Guggenheim Museum. In any case, our higher education is not to throw rockets. Having 69 universities and some more in perspective is an outrage and assumes a splurge.
That, only in terms of universities that require the physical presence of the students. In addition to them they are centres of UNED, the Menendez y Pelayo, summer courses and many other private higher level schools. More people, among them, than in the cabin of the Marx Brothers. To attract students, in time compete in quality, that would be legitimate, often are forced to do so giving easier to pass. And so we are going as we go. Isn’t abnormal, then, that any Spanish University is among the top 100 in the world go, once again throwing hand of classifications and our best teachers as soon as they can given the piro to teach in foreign centres and be able to be in the United States. His quietist and drowsy comfort is not surprising that when any new plan, like the Bologna, aims to raise the bar of education, equating knowledge and demand quality controls, a large part of the University world feel threatened and a Panther turns done. Having said the foregoing, it would be disastrous to USAL, gratificada by a dubious academic ranking, durmiese on its laurels, never better said, since our University has unique qualities that, if well exploited, can make it an ideal place to learn, unlike many others.