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Fiery Serpent

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COUNTRY Da'Arias Sacred country Da'Arias (gift Aryans) was the sunken continent of North Arctic Ocean and was divided into four rivers: Rai, Tula, and SMAD h'Arra. Each clan had its own Great Race territory bounded by the rivers. All four rivers flowed into an inland sea. At sea, an island on which stood Mountain of the World (Meru). Peace on the Mount was built by the city of Asgard and Daariysky great temple.

There is a copy of the card Da'Arias, which was copied Merkaterom in 1595 from the wall of one of the pyramids at Giza. (Today, many countries wanted to possess the land of our ancestors) FACE OF THE EARTH By Rune chronicles 300,000 years ago, the appearance of the planet Earth was very different. The Sahara was the sea, Indian Ocean – land. Strait of Gibraltar was not. On the Russian Champaign, where is Moscow, was the sea. On the territory of Omsk was a large island Buyan. Sacred Land Da'Arias linked to the mainland by the Isthmus of mountain Rhipaean (Ural) mountains.

The Volga River flows into the Black Sea. Different people on the Midgard-earth inhabited by people with different skin colors and defined territory of residence. This Earthly humanity has ancestors who arrived on the Midgard-earth from a variety of heavenly palaces – Star Systems, namely: Great Race – white skin, the Great Dragon – yellow skin color, the Fiery Serpent – red skin Gloomy Heath – black color; Pekelnogo World – gray color, foreigners (Jews).