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The Marketing Necessities

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Marketing Word of English origin, marketing has as translation next to the Portuguese the term marketing. Then we can define marketing as a marketing action of well determined spreading of one, product or service for medias with intention to reach a select group, that is, its I publish target. The marketing for possessing some concepts, agrees to detach its definition in the vision of some authors. For Limeira (2006, P. 2), ‘ ‘ Marketing can be understood as the enterprise function that creates value for the customer continuously and generates lasting competitive advantage for the company, by means of the strategical management of the controlable 0 variable of marketing: product, price, communication and distribuio’ ‘.

In accordance with Kotler and Armstrong (2003, P. 3), ‘ ‘ The Marketing is an administrative proceeding and social for which individuals and groups get what they need and they desire, by means of creation, offers and exchange of products and value with outros’ ‘. Already Coast (2003, P. 60), affirm that ‘ ‘ Marketing is an orientation of the direction of the company based on the agreement of that the primordial task of the organization is to determine the necessities, desires and values of a white consuming market of form efetiva’ ‘. As Wools Houses (2001, P. 26), Marketing is the area of the knowledge that engloba all the concernentes activities to the exchange relations, guided for the satisfaction of the desires and necessities of the consumers, aiming at to always reach definitive objectives of companies or individuals and considering the environment of performance and the impact that these relations cause in well-being of the society. Ahead of the cited definitions the top, the marketing is distinguished as a set of essences that objective the process of exchange, where one or more parts if gives something of value, with the purpose to satisfy necessities and reciprocal desires, that is, the activity of marketing if bases on a company who it offers to its products and services the customers who are made use to give something in exchange to satisfy its necessities.