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Decorative Elements For Christmas Handmade

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When we decorated the table for the day of Christmas Eve really must not have a luxurious or extremely original aspect. We can use things that already we must in house and give a Christmas touch them if we give a new approach them and we played with the typical colors of this festive time. These adjustments can be very significant and in addition we can give our personal touch. Not only it is a very pleasant diversion but also that we will take advantage of our more creative side at the same time as we exercised the imagination. It is not necessary to buy a new table cloth. We can use the typical table cloth that usually we have kept and simply to add new adornments to him around the edges. We could, for example, sew Christmas reasons to him in the ends. A small Christmas tree in one of the ends can be dyed a simple white table cloth and even be drawn.

Also you can sew tapes of colors in the edges of the same. There are many ideas that you can implement for a tuna table center. This center is the main piece of the table where we will have dinner and will be the attention center as much of the family like of the guests. If you already have a center ” of every year ” personalzalo giving your personal touch adding fresh flowers, candles, leaves of murdago and fruits him or fruits droughts. The candles are very important like decorative elements of this time of the year. If one is going away to use candles like part of the center of the table, is important to consider that these do not have to be closely together of the companions at table due to the danger which they suppose. Also, they are not due to place closely together of the other so that thus they do not melt.

The red and green candles stay very well as Christmas reasons. It places bows of the greatest colors around giving the festive touch them. It is possible to be removed to much party to ace fruits to them droughts and the fresh fruits. These can compose a simple and quite original really precious table center besides. The oranges, apples and lemons are very well. Colcalas on a decorative bowl adorning with leaves of murdago and pineapples. You can also add mint to accentuate the center still more. As it touches end, it scatters some fruits droughts around the center. As it is possible to be seen, he is easy and funny to create our own Christmas decorations to give the special touch that this time as much it requires. Besides stimulating our imagination, also it will avoid unnecessary expenses.


Games Of Mahjong

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MahJong is a traditional game of Chinese origin consisting by 144 parts. It has indications that it is a modern version of one millenarian tray of oracle used for the old Chinese adivinhos. Made to play for four people, its functioning is simple and well similar to the occidental games of letter. Basically, you have as objective to make small combinations of rocks. With a proper nomenclature, the game allows three different types of combinations of rocks.

The first one takes the name of ' ' Chow' ' is umasequencia of three rocks with the same ' ' naipe' '. Second &#039 is called; ' Pong' ' is three equal parts of the same ' ' naipe' ' , ' ' elemento' ' or ' ' vento' ' , forming a species of ' ' trinca' '. Third it is the Kong, four equal parts of the same ' ' naipe' ' , ' ' elemento' ' or ' ' vento' ' , forming one it squares. To gain the game it is necessary to make a Chow, a Pong, a Kong and a pair of equal rocks, forming its MahJong. What it approaches the Mah Jong of one still more game of letters is the form as the plays of the parts are carried through. To each round it is possible to buy parts and to discard others that confuse its composition, in the same way as we are accustomed with games as hole. One of the few disadvantages of the traditional MahJong is that it is made to play itself in four people, being impossible to play alone.

To decide the problem of the players of MahJong, some versions of games exist currently online with the solitary way that, can and must be played by an only person. The MahJong online is an excellent option in the hour to play, because it is an excellent exercise of reasoning, does not make baguna and it does not suffer limitations for the number from people. Optimum of everything it is the MahJong does not go nor to occupy space in its computer. As it is a game online is not necessary nor to make download. The Internet is enough to a hardwired computer and you already it can start to play!


White Chavero

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A diversity of classifications of the models of ” exists; styles of aprendizaje” Chevrier Jacques (2001), Heron, R. and Leventhal S. (2000), JenssenEric. (1994), White Chavero (2002), Cazau Pablo (2001). In the present document it develops to the styles daprendizaje on the basis of the model of “Orion” developed by Curry (1987).

, since many models can be framed in some of their categories. Chevrier Jacques (2001) Because of the growth of the number of theories of learning of proportional way has increased the models of learning styles. Curry (1987) In the lireratura exists multiple classifications of the different models from learning styles: Cazau Pablo (2001), Chevrier Jacques (2001). Eric Jenssen (1994). For the development of the different models from learning styles one has been based on the propose classification by Curry (1987) since the majority of models can be framed in some of of their categories. Learning Styles (2002-1) the Model ” Onion developed by Curry presents/displays a categorisation of the elements it defines – them as layers that can explain the human behavior against learning. STYLES OF LEARNING AND STRATEGIES Our style of learning directly is related to the strategies that we used to learn something.

A way to understand it would be to think about our style of learning how the average statistic of all the different strategies that we used. Our style of learning corresponds therefore with the great tendencies, with our used strategies more. But naturally, the existence of an average statistic does not prevent the deviations, or in other words, the one that somebody can generally be very visual, holistic and reflective it does not prevent, nevertheless, the one that can use auditory strategies in many cases and for concrete tasks. CONCLUSION Exists multiple definitions on the concept of learning style and is difficult a unique definition that it can explain suitably what it is common to all the described styles of learning in Literature. This difficulty must to that it is a concept that has been boarded from very different perspective. Generally, the majority of authors accepts in which the concept of learning style basically talks about characteristics or ways that indicate the characteristics and the ways to learn a student. Because of the growth of the number of theories of learning of proportional way it has increased the models of learning styles.