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So Lus

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Thus, the name of the quarter was a homage given to this mayor, therefore according to it the objective of the purchase of the land was to prevent the urban growth in one alone direction, of the BR-153. In the agreement of it, the public power was creating a new space where the people could live, mainly, the migrantes that were arriving at the city. Thus being, the city hall of Is Joo of the Araguaia received resources destined to the construction from 100 popular houses, that would be erected in the area divided land into parcels previously. The construction materials as roofing tiles and wood, had been bought and storaged in a large cabin, being pillaged little time later for the population needed space liveing. In this manner, in the year of 1989 the So Lus quarter was established, with approximately 20 casebres and about 80 people liveing in them.

Two years after these facts, more necessarily in 27 of December of 1991, for law 5,706, the district of Are Domingos of the Araguaia obtain the emancipation politics. 4,1 FACTORS THAT CONTRIBUIRAM FOR CREATION OF the QUARTER the process of creation of the So Lus quarter is related directly to some factors, such as: i) the implantation of desenvolvimentistas politics for the Amaznia; II) the valuation of the central space of the city, fact this that compelled the low income people to look other spaces for its habitations; III) the population growth and the impoverishment of great part of the population, in special the just fond migrantes of other regions; IV) the job search, mainly in the lumber industry that Number and origin of inhabitants of the quarter. Region of origin Percentile Number of people (%) North 28 31.1 Northeast 55 61.1 Others 3 7 7,7 Total 90 100 Source: elaborated for Antonio Flix Da Silva on the basis of research of field, maro/2004.