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Easter Fiesta

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THE FEAST OF EASTER. a branches and sometimes very very young children. You, the most beautiful girl of our childhood, eyes clear sky clouds color is your heavenly cloud was, your brave brothers to defend the honor of the sister, my cousins were jealous of my success in school and my friend that later in our maturity basely betray his best friend. And forget Javicho, with his limp recent happy part of our forays in the processions of penitents. Nor forget the crazy and narish Carlos Monzon. It was fun away from home on Easter, to make our raids epic for all the processions, by the way I so in love with the beautiful aurora, with blue eyes that sit on the steeple of the church, many times I looked. I stopped my pace and watched the sky in their blue eyes.

Javicho, his voice hoarse and stopped calling me my contemplation. And the big nose of Monzon mocked that I like girls. For them it was not yet born love, only the game was on the streets of our people. All together in the house of Sonia, and we were getting ready for the adventure of the day. Vigils began with pain on Monday. At Mass we watched the ceremony of the Mass, but we were bored too much preaching. We listened to long sermons of the priests, did not understand what he said and many times already dormitabamos in the pews, but felt the elbow of one of our colleagues, we woke and confused not knowing what had happened.


Authors Associates

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' ' Suddenly and as to teach a lion that passed the life in the captivity to survive in the forest. Gerstener (1942 p.189). The changes of behavior and the ways that a person if leaves to be motivated are innumerable, some for money others for a progress in its career or for recognition, some even though motivate for the presence of the fear or the anger others for a chance or learning for the effort of a result concrete or for the threat of extinguishing. Few are the ones that if motivate and if they captivate for the vision of the future and few are the ones that really to reach a leadership with efficient in its life that grows, fight learns and teaches together, side by side with its followers therefore when to a victory or a goal reached with performance it drifts, force with the union of all the apia team that and accepts idea and rule developed for its leader and thus it harvests the fruits that together had cultivated for spoon. ' ' Two things populate the mind with a new and always increasing admiration and respect the sky covered with star superficially and the moral law inside of ns' '.

Immanuel Kant Bibliographical References: ALMEIDA, Sergio. YOU LEAD: HOW A MONGE WOULD TAKE CARE OF THE CUSTOMER? Ed. House of the Quality, 2007, 140p. BENNIS, Warren. YOU LEAD: STRATEGY TO ASSUME the TRUE LEADERSHIP, Ed. Harbra Ltda, 1998, 193p. CHIAVENATO, Idalberto. YOU LEAD: INTRODUCTION the GENERAL THEORY OF the ADMINISTRATION, Ed.

Elsevier, 2003, 633p. GERSTNER, V Luiz. YOU LEAD: WHO SAID THAT ELEPHANTS NOT DAAM? Ed. Campus, 2003, 367p. HUNTER, James C. YOU LEAD: AS IF TO BECOME a LEADER SEVIDOR, Ed. Sextant, 2006, 241p. MATEJKA, Ken. YOU LEAD: ITS TEAM VESTMENT the SHIRT, Ed. Nobel, 1995, 241p. MARTINELLI, P. Dante. YOU LEAD: NEGOTIATION AND SOLUTION OF CONFLICTS. Ed. Atlases S. the Authors Associates, 1998,157p.