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4 Articles


Economic Crisis

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Most problems in life, one way or another connected with his family relationships. And, unfortunately, in a difficult situation now, there are enough potential pitfalls, which can be broken ships many families. Today I'll tell you about the most terrible of them, and you really try them not "descend". The main features of the Russian family lie in the fact that: 1. The family usually is trehpokolennoy 2. Material and moral relationship of family members from one another is very high, 3. There is a fusion and confusion of family roles, indistinct separation of functions in the family. People are forced to negotiate all the time, and can not be definitively agreement.

Very often, in the Russian family is a process of substitution, when everyone in the family may be functionally and every time anyone. For example, in the family grandmother raising a child is actually functional mother of his grandson, a husband and wife share the bed, bound intimate relationship, but may be it does not relate the care and intimacy, because the husband is spiritually and emotionally closer to his mother, he first just take care of its interests. Functionally, this man is the husband of his mother and his wife's lover. The family lives mainly on her husband's money, but the family budget allocates the same grandmother, so that functionally it is the head of household, 4. Identity and sovereignty are virtually absent. The younger generation is much tighter and tougher due to the previous generation than in the West, tradition, continuity, and both expressed a state of conflict explicitly.


Economics State University

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Dear reader, you wrote a cool student life Denis X, incidentally, Faculty of Economics (Budget Group), the city will not speak – afraid of sleeping. I wanted to share my impressions on the flow, more precisely, to surrender the unified state examination in 2008. Lived – not whole school and then like a bolt from the blue – 11 class, the very beginning of adulthood, should be determined by the profession to earn normal money, to fly from parental nest and further not to grieve. I have a penchant for mathematics since childhood, but like the Department of Mathematics is not very far-sighted, based on the realities of today, the parents have chosen the Faculty of Economics State University. After this has gone – gone, enrolled in training courses, parents find tutors with a Uni to prepare for the unfortunate cse also coached the school we are, in short, soaked in a knowledge like a sponge, tired of the same year as a dog. So come the month of May – he is decisive in the battle for the granite of science. At the preparatory course was a rumor that there is a web site with options and answers to the cse, which actually be on the exam, no one really could not say, rumors and speculation – not betray this value.

Then a friend – a classmate gave me a link to the site you want, I thought that plus will not pay for access (money is not much like), and downloaded versions and responses to the cse on one subject for testing – thinking that fraudsters, because that just does not happen. Took questions one version, started proreshivat with textbooks, it appears that all the correct answers, then optionally, the time did not want to spend, of each option, taking questions and checked – everything matches. Still not particularly looking forward to the acquisition, has prepared a cheat sheet – you never can tell, the time spent not a lot, the site argued said that a total of 15 options for each region is allocated. So imperceptibly the day came the first exam, I got the same version which I proreshival home, checking answers site – just a good memory, happiness was not limit, the first thought – thanks to a friend. Since the first exam has been overcome, however, does not know how well.

Ahead was another two, the most important: the Russian language and math – and again already known website, new options, , cribs. In Russian, however, had to write 15 essays on topics provided by the site, but it's better than a complete unknown. After the second exam, I have no doubt – the site works, you can cancel without much straining, Though look, but a lot of time. The third exam went like clockwork, had only to wait for results. And here they come – one 94 points, the second – 93, and the third – already 95! After that, I realized that the epic of the receipt ended, and in comparison with others, I very lightly, thanks to the creators site! I hope that somebody helped with the problem of income.


Economic Order Questions

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In regards to this subject it detaches Rosseti well, oligopoly is a market form where few salesmen exist, ahead of a great number of purchasers, of form that the salesmen exert great control on the prices of products (2003; p.158). Three forms of oligopoly exist: monopoly, cartel and holding. In the monopolies the companies open hand of its independence, but without losing its autonomy, in order to join itself forming an only organization dominating the market in offers of goods and services and to suppress the free competition; Cartel is an implicit agreement or explicit it enters the competitors for setting of prices, distribution of performance markets and of customers, generally in the cartels the products of the companies are homogeneous, in this type of oligopoly are eliminated the competition with consequent increase of prices and having diminished the possibility of choice of the consumer, becoming the more expensive goods and/or services and even unavailable; Holdings, is created a company, this here possesss the biggest number of action, to manage a group of them that they had been joined with intention to promote the domain of the market, offers, the prices of the goods and/or services. These types of oligopoly are considered crimes in all the countries that possess antitrust legislation, and Brazil is one of them, that it regulates these practical in its legislation through the laws to follow: Law 4,137/62 – Law of the abuse of the economic power; Law 7,347/85 – Interest diffuse; Law 8,158/91 – Economic defense (antitrust); Law 8,137/90 – Crimes against order tax, economic and relations of consumption; Law 8,884/94 – CADE (antitrust); Law 9,021/95 CADE; Law 9,470/97 – It modifies 8.884/94; Law 10,149/00 – It modifies 8.884/94; Law 10,843/04 – It modifies 8.884/94. 3. Principles of the Economic Order Questions about the economic order in Brazil they start to acquire legal dimension with the Great Letter of 1946, in its art.


Economic Cooperation

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The term “emerging markets” became synonymous with “emerging economies” and no longer relied on income or other statistical measures. The fact that for Wharton faculty, the most important element of the definition of emerging economy is the strength of its economic institutions and policies, as the state of law, regulatory controls and enforcement of contracts. For his part noted that McDermott notes that after the collapse of the Soviet Union, the degree and speed of transfer of government assets to the private sector was critical for defining the characteristics of emerging markets. But that led to problems on both sides of the spectrum of privatization.

“Many of the measures were related to the size of the economy in the hands of private enterprise. These parameters are not very helpful, “he says. “Those who did not change were bad, and changing too fast also blew up.” McDermott investigated the patterns of development in Eastern Europe and Latin America and found that differences in economic progress can be attributed to what he calls “transnational integration, such as admission to European Union or participation in NAFTA. These systems have different characteristics and can provide a better understanding of the economic potential of countries to join the club of developed nations. The organization that comes to mind in such cases is almost always the OECD (Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development truth, the article said Wharton, who Witold Henisz, Wharton management professor, emerging economies began to review Recently his vision of the global economy, particularly after the resource-rich nations began to gain influence in the commodity markets, today’s booming.