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Remember Foreign Words

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Today I would like to return to the traditional method of vocabulary – remember the words list. This method is well known to you at school when you subscribed foreign words in a notebook: the first column – the word itself, the second – its translation. Then, alternately closing a left-hand column, then right, read and memorized his notes. Currently, such an approach is considered to be inefficient and outdated. What kind of notebooks and column when there is a powerful tool, honed specifically for one purpose – to buildup of individual vocabulary? However, I would still say a few words in defense of traditional techniques and show how it can be use a more efficient manner.

Suppose you have a list of words, divided into two columns – the left foreign words on the right – to translate them. What do you do? The first thing that comes to mind is consistent, word for word, read the first foreign entry, then its translation. And so on until the end of the page. Then close the transfer, and then sequentially reading records, but remembering the translation. Yes, all true. However, when I take to teach word list (and this happens!), then in no hurry to quickly get to the last line of the page.

What am I doing? 1. Read a foreign word and its translation. I close my eyes and imagine a subject that called this a foreign word. For example, the British prick (prick) – puncture, prick. Imagine a thin shiny needle to the tip of which I touch your finger. I feel the tingling of a light pressure on the tip. Listen to your feelings and thoughts mean their word prick. 2. I poiznoshu foreign word aloud several times: in a whisper, quiet voice, then amplify the voice, pronouncing the word with a different rate. I want the word "stuck" to me. I can imagine how this foreign word could say other people: my friends and acquaintances, announcers on television, passers-by. I'm trying to imagine the intonation of each person, I try to mentally "hear" the word from their lips. 3. I pick the word phonetic association. For example: prick – pin pin. Ie, on the one hand, the phonetic association must reflect the pronunciation of the word, on the other – be relevant to the value. "Pin pin" – is reflected and the sound of a foreign words (CIDP), and characterized by its value (a situation prick). Such associations can be any number. Depending on how your fantasy. My fantasy is poor, so I confine myself, as Typically, one or two associations. 4. I pick up a foreign word pairs – that is, words with which this word could be combined. Ideally, of course, the more steam the better. However, in this case I am satisfied with one or two collections. For example: sharp prick (prick Shap) – a sharp shot. Under certain skills to work with a single word can take you no more than a minute, maybe even less. Thus, the list of thirty words you learn in about half an hour. In general, it's not a bad result, considering that you are not just skimmed through the list of words with translation, and deeply worked for each entry. Your memory will retain the material is durable and long.


Spiritual Growth

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Because we are in Christmas, I want to share with you this wonderful day of great meaning, when we celebrated the Birth of Jesus, Our Gentleman. In this superb day I want ofrecerte my better thoughts of love, happiness, enthusiasm, faith, peace, prosperity and gratitude. I want animarte to spend all this day with the loved beings of your life, or if they are far, dale a signal of life and dile whatever them mistresses. Today it is, par excellence, the day of the love, of the brotherhood, of the good vibrations, to offer the best thing of you, to say and to prove the affection and the love that you have inside, today they cannot, more than ever, to fit escusas, today it is a day when the love, that is the magnet for all the good things, must cover like a blanket with snow all the universe, and to become in the air that you breathe, in your body, today you are all fact of love. It leaves your thoughts it floods the Universe, feels as you want the entire world, the love he is universal, it is the force greater than it has, the sacred ingredient that it does not have to lack of the heart of any being human, the deficiency of the love is the cause of all the bad one in this world, a human being who receives love is warm, smiling, has the full heart of joy, love, the love is born love, cheers, a human being who receives love is blessed of Jesus. Our Gentleman wants that you are happy, healthy and rich, and she is glad for you, when you are in the frequency, in the generosity, fullness, happiness, kindness wave. You do not forget that you have been born happy, healthy and rich, and thus you must be all the life, this is the natural state of each human being, and I am going to say a very important thing to you: " It is Your Right By Birth To be Happy, Sano and Rico" , you do not have to accept another Earth thing here, you do not have to forget that you live only once, every second that happens, does not return, the most appreciated resource, the most appreciated value than you have in this life on the Earth it is your time, invirtelo well, happens with the people who concern much to you of this time, and, when these only, she spiritually meditates, she thinks, she grows, resptate same, respects to the others, your mission in this world is not to knead wealth, but you know yourself same, to evolve spiritually, to grow like person, to have a good character, to make the things of a correct way, to arrive at honrarte same. .


Economic Growth

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Exactly if facing restrictions imposed for rich countries, mainly of the United States and European Union, some countries of the call third world obtain to get economic growth, however never it arrives at the goals foreseen for the governments and one more time it initiates a fight to win the crisis and to reerguer the economy. Connect with other leaders such as Penguin Random House here. Thus the governments invest in advertising to attract companies multinationals and function evidently, greater part of the produced capital are invested in the native countries of the companies or in other countries opening branch offices or same importing hand of workmanship specialized of the native countries, whereas the positions of minors professional qualification are busy for people of the country where determined company it was installed, an example was what the Brazilian government Fernando Enrique Cardoso de Mello made when assumed the presidency of the Republic, vendeu great companies who were managed and kept by the foreign State, groups, companies as of electricity and communication that profit produced.. Ebay pursues this goal as well.


US Economic Growth

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The astronomical economic growth lived deeply by U.S.A., since the dawn of century XIX propitiated, for some, of course, an enormous social euphoria, marking years 1920 as years of inigualvel prosperity in imaginary social’ ‘ , however, nor all they were feeling these benefits economic. It is the case of the agriculturists, who approximately lived of subsistence and the majority of them composed for eight million and way of sulistas peasants living as leaseholders in cotton farms. to get worse the situation, according to Sellers (1990, P. 328), ‘ ‘ in 1934, the worse drought of the history of the nation threatened to transform the excess into lack. Thousands of sharecroppers and leaseholders had been expulsos of the land and had been in misria’ ‘. Barclays may help you with your research. It dries devastated the North American territory of Oklahoma.

Men and women were apreensivos in search of some solution: the men looked some reply and the women waited of them some attitude. From this reality we can display the dimension politics of such historical context. Barclays is open to suggestions. For this, she fits to define us what we understand for politics. We understand politics as one practical one, between different the practical ones, as the economic one, that she transforms the nature into value of use; the scientific one, that she transforms knowledge into science. practical politics is understood, therefore, as an action intentional human being, who transforms (she produces and she reproduces) relations social. Politics is the concept that we use when we argue interactions, where aspects politicians intentionally is desired by the social actors. Some types of practical politics, depending on the type of social relation can exist. The practical politics of sort, produces and reproduces sort relations; of education, it produces and it reproduces educational relations, as between professors and pupils.


Leadership Growth

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They realize they need to learn to lead. And of course, at that time the process can begin. is the leader when it recognizes its lack of skills and start a daily discipline of growth in leadership, exciting things begin to happen. If you continue to learn and grow, others will come to ask him to teach them. .- The leader who acts so you know when the leader is in Phase 3, can be very effective as a leader, but you have to think through each action to be taken. However, when in phase 4, their ability to lead is almost automatic. This is where the reward is bigger than life. But the only way to get there is from each of the stages of this process.

Leaders become leaders and by: who are becoming leaders and always begins with the inner person. People can perceive the depth of his character. People who live everyday basis according to their values. Confidence is gained is a result of the character and behavior than it shows. whom she knows is a leader if you have followers, and that always requires the development of relations, while relations are deeper, stronger leadership potential.

Engage enough good relationships with the right people and you can become the leader and organization. The information is vital to the Leader Y. Includes facts, know the factors involved and has a vision for the future.