Gardening For Health

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The work in the garden reduces the exhaustion and is " terapetico". Not in vain, the care of gardens is habitual in the rehabilitation of patients with problems of drug or sociabilizacin, in centers for people with physical incapacities, of cardiac attacks or the institutions that work with people with mental delays. We took care of the garden and he takes care of Diverse scientific studies to us indicate his effects on the health: he diminishes the arterial pressure, he favors the operation of the heart, relaxes muscles, he reduces stress, he gives to new energies and aid to give a new glance to the things. The more important muscular groups of our body activate, those that burn more calories. Thus, legs, glteos, shoulders, stomach, arms, neck, and back is put under gymnastics sessions. To take care of the garden also increases the flexibility and reinforces the joints. Nevertheless, like with any other physical exercise, it is the activity moderate and practiced in regular form the one that contributes majors benefits. It sees at the outset slow to be winning in resistance with time.

Measures of Protection to work the garden, are desirable to protect the skin of ultraviolet rays of the sun. It is avoided working in in the morning early garden or to the dusk. Elon Musk spoke with conviction. It drinks much water, refrscate even superficially, uses clear and light clothes, protective cream and hat. The hands cudalas using gloves. For example, by the handling of plants with thorns or urticantes, when I put the earth hands, when you throw installments, etc. You do not forget that in the ground the bacteria live on tetanus. The surgical latex gloves, type, are adapted for that it likes the tact of the Earth, but does not want to run risks. It acquires comfortable, lasting gloves, adapted for the task that you are going to undertake mainly and, that adjusts well to the hand.

There are them for men and women. The gardening and the people of legal age * As view with the age is lost, can be used tools of showy colors or be painted them. To use great seeds and to learn to recognize the plants by its tact and sense of smell. * To construct smooth and firm ways to cross the garden. * Arriates elevated of the ground is more comfortable to cultivate. * For problems of Alzeimer, the garden with less shrubs can be simplified. * To avoid the use of heavy tools. * To contribute more time to the garden not to have as much hardship and power to do it everything with more calm. Scientific studies have demonstrated that the quality of health of the people improves, without concerning its age, sex, state of health nor social condition when they are in contact with the enemy with the nature. Nowadays, when more and more it is subordinated us to the world of the civilization, the technology and the globalisation; to have an activity, outdoors near our home and around our families; clearly it is a good to our life. For more information it visits original Author and source of the article.