Increase Muscle Mass

What to eat to increase muscle mass, it is essential that you can eat many foods that help you gain those pounds in a healthy way, avoiding eating food of dubious origin and fast foods that accumulated fat in certain areas of your body and not give you the body you want. It is not a question only of eating by eating, it is properly powered inputs that do not make you lose that gained weight and return to the circle of vicious up and down quickly, weight for this you must do daily activity and if you already do it and is too intense to graduate it decreasing a bit what you do or feeding you better to not dispose of all the calories in activity only and not nutrition. A daily diet you can do to gain weight this box below where you can eat up to 6 meals, if you want to increase it to more, much better if it is with some fruit or natural products. For those trying to gain weight, is recommended establishing schedules 3 – 4 hours between each meal, but if we can do so as more important it is to comply with the number of food by day and the quality of them, raising the percentage of protein of 1.8gr up to 2.5gr/Kg. weight, you can avail of shakes to reach this figure, or any supplement powder that you can add to beverages and not make you very heavy eating many foods and also eating more complex carbohydrates.

To eat to increase mass muscle food 1 – 1 cup of oats – 3 breads well-greased with jam – 1 boiled egg. 2 Breakfast food. -Fruit juice. -A glass of milk. 3 Lunch food.

-250 gr chicken breast grilled. – Cup of white rice. -1 cup of cooked chickpeas. -Fruit and yogurt salad. -3 cookies. Food 4 – dried fruits, almonds. -A tuna sandwich. Food 5 – a banana. -A hyper-calorie milkshake. 6 Dinner food. -A vegetable salad. -5 ounces of beef or grilled chicken. -1 peach or 15 grapes. -1 cup of milk. To see which is the proven plan for any naturally skinny man can finally increase muscle mass, please click here. Original author and source of the article.