Kar it, Can Be saved a Marriage of this Type? A woman can be very difficult to do against this emotional or sexual kind of problems, since your conjugal relations are seen seriously affected due to the physical abuse, that you have received on the part of your husband. You and all the women who are happening through this must be seriously worried about this type of abuses, since the same can leave a great damage in your physical and psychological faculties. But, before making any hard decision as a divorce, tries to find solutions and to think about how you can save a marriage where your you are the abused one. Amiga ten present that the abuse in the marriage can be emotional, physical, economic or sexual. The emotional and verbal abuse is when your husband constantly makes use of degrading offensive words/, rejects to you, is indifferent, it tries to isolate itself, and all this together one can take to crearte an inferiority complex within you. Also the economic abuses exist, which can be to refuse to buy the necessary thing, to have a strict control in all the banking accounts, to rob money of your account, to block the access to the credit cards or to confiscate monetary gifts. In addition the physical abuses exist that their actions enter include to strike, to bite, to hurt and to cause burns. Kar it, As I can Know if my Husband is Abusive? Some of the signals of warning to conclude that your husband is abusive are the following: It can demand to you in the too fast relation? It demands your attention at any moment? It tends to be very competitive? It feels jealousy of the members of your family? It feels jealousy of your friendly and friendly. Amiga please ten present that the constant abuse can cause a strong depression that can affect your physical and psychological state.