Mathematical Education

The education of the mathematics has been subject of many analyses, therefore with the great advance of the technology and the constant cultural and mannering changes, it becomes necessary to adjust practical the pedagogical ones with the reality of the pupils to reach the objective of transmission of knowing and to provide situations where the pupils really learn. However, to make changes is not so simple, is necessary to be prepared and guided well since, of the opposite, the learning can be harmed still more, and thus these superficial or incomplete changes can bring educational damages, as much as it occurs with traditional education (Micotti, 1999, p.161). With an education that is not of quality the pupils do not learn, they are not motivated, and thus they do not obtain to make the appropriation of knowing, not obtaining to apply what they study in other situations of its daily one. Therefore the emphasis in the importance of if managing lessons planned well, therefore to promote a mathematics significant is not to only promote ability to develop calculations, to train the memory or to memorize formulas and concepts. It means to develop a mathematics that is capable to take the pupil to think, to analyze, to establish relations, to justify and to produce its proper meaning, that is, to create (Marasini, 2000, p.126).

Currently the practical one in the classrooms, has been the decoration of texts, the memorization of concepts and the repetition of information, everything this having as base an only resource, that is the didactic book, and what it is worse, many times these books are used without a previous analysis on the part of the professor. The didactic book is an important metodolgico resource, however it is not only enough, and to be based only on it compromises the quality of education. As it assures Micotti, the expositivas lessons and the didactic books intend to focus knowing, but, generally, they are meaningless for the pupils; the contents, usually, are not changedded into which had knowledge, over all, to the lack of chances apprenticees to elaborate them and to reveal its understanding on the same ones (1999, p.161).