
The Marketing Necessities

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Marketing Word of English origin, marketing has as translation next to the Portuguese the term marketing. Then we can define marketing as a marketing action of well determined spreading of one, product or service for medias with intention to reach a select group, that is, its I publish target. The marketing for possessing some concepts, agrees to detach its definition in the vision of some authors. For Limeira (2006, P. 2), ‘ ‘ Marketing can be understood as the enterprise function that creates value for the customer continuously and generates lasting competitive advantage for the company, by means of the strategical management of the controlable 0 variable of marketing: product, price, communication and distribuio’ ‘.

In accordance with Kotler and Armstrong (2003, P. 3), ‘ ‘ The Marketing is an administrative proceeding and social for which individuals and groups get what they need and they desire, by means of creation, offers and exchange of products and value with outros’ ‘. Already Coast (2003, P. 60), affirm that ‘ ‘ Marketing is an orientation of the direction of the company based on the agreement of that the primordial task of the organization is to determine the necessities, desires and values of a white consuming market of form efetiva’ ‘. As Wools Houses (2001, P. 26), Marketing is the area of the knowledge that engloba all the concernentes activities to the exchange relations, guided for the satisfaction of the desires and necessities of the consumers, aiming at to always reach definitive objectives of companies or individuals and considering the environment of performance and the impact that these relations cause in well-being of the society. Ahead of the cited definitions the top, the marketing is distinguished as a set of essences that objective the process of exchange, where one or more parts if gives something of value, with the purpose to satisfy necessities and reciprocal desires, that is, the activity of marketing if bases on a company who it offers to its products and services the customers who are made use to give something in exchange to satisfy its necessities.


The Vision

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The beginning of the success of an enterprise it is the strategical planning of its action duly structuralized, organized and operating in the decision taking. In accordance with Chiavenato (2008), to be successful the entrepreneur must know to manage all the activities related directly and indirectly with the business, to deeply know the customer and its necessities, to define its mission and vision, to formulate objectives and to establish strategies. In accordance with Dornelas (2005), to undertake is to make something different conventional it, to have strategy in anticipating the changes, knowing to identify a chance to it and to always use to advantage the chance, assuming the responsibility (risks) with ousadia, creativity, innovation and much determination. Entrepreneurs are differentiated people, who want to be recognized for its performance and enterprising ability. According to Dornelas (2005), the enterprising process can be taught and be learned by any person, but the success elapses of diverse internal and external factors to the business, of the profile of the entrepreneur and of as it manages the adversities of its enterprise.

Thus an entrepreneur has as main abilities: The Vision: ample how much to its project, planning of action and execution of its enterprise. The Taking of decision: attitude at the moment accurate, necessary in its action, that must be calculated and be foreseen, measuring all the weak and strong points. Its you differentiate: they place ideas in practical, has the power to conquer its ideals, enaltecendo its main advantages, get dom to dominate the market and to reach profits in its projects. Formation of opinion and profile of leadership: to be able to captivate the people and to involve them in its intention, with the fulfilment of rewards for such attitude of cooperation with its leader. Interpersonal relationship: interaction and envolvement inside of the society that this inserted one for the reach of the accomplishment of its enterprising project.


Transporting Alliance

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So that the company obtains 10% of reduction in the costs with fuels that was considered in the simulation above, the same one will have to implement a program of constant training for its drivers, instructing the same ones on interpersonal relationship, driver citizen, quality in the attendance to the customer, Brazilian legislation of transits, economic direction and recycling of MOPP (Movement of Dangerous Products). Moreover, as the oil diesel is one of the first item that the spread sheet of cost of road pursuing heads, many companies is betting in training of drivers with intention to reduce the fuel consumption. Ones of these companies is the Martins Group, that with the necessity to correct some vices and to obtain one better performance of its fleet it opted to this alternative and it got a economy of 13% in the costs with fuels. Before the training of economic direction, its vehicles made average of 5,3 km/l, after implemented the training it was obtained to increase the average of same between 6,2km/l and 6,4km/l. Another item that has a very great impact in the fuel consumption and that it will have to be revised in the preventive maintenances is the injector bombs and injector peaks. According to Adriano et al (2008), a time that desregulados, the vehicle will be able to increase the fuel consumption in up to 60%, what impacta in an increase of cost very raised.

Table 4.4 Comparative degree between Costs with Parts without Preventive maintenance and the Implementation of the Preventive maintenance. Graph 4,4 Comparative degree between Costs with Parts without Preventive maintenance and the Implementation of the Preventive maintenance. For Bosco Joo (2008), director of Logistic of the Transporting Alliance, the preventive maintenances of the 25,000 trucks must be carried through to each km. Following this cronograma, the transporter obtained to minimize its costs and to maximize its profits getting a satisfactory edge of profit.


Solvents and Paint Thinners

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In life there are often problems of varying degrees of significance. In any case, the impossibility of the solution creates some discomfort. For example, we bought the paint, opened a bank – the paint was thick, viscous. It is necessary to dilute! What? Painted with a brush. Need to take a break. What to omit at this time brush to paint on it is not dried up? Need to quickly clean hands, gloves, work clothes. How? Of course, for all occasions recipes can not be given.

Consider the most common situations. Initially, we denote the general properties of the commonly used organic liquids. First – they are fragrant. This, however, does not mean that the smell and harmful for the body – are uniquely related factors. There are many substances without odor (carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide) or with a pleasant aroma (sarin, soman), which in certain concentrations have harmful effects on the human body. Low molecular weight volatile liquid called solvents or diluents.

There are a large number of relatively accessible solvents – is gasoline (including the one in the tank of your car). Their common name – Nefras (petroleum solvents). We must bear in mind that Nefras to include not only gasoline. You can find the name of "petroleum ether" – it is petrol, too, but the relatively volatile (boiling point 40-75 0 C) or "white spirit" (Boiling point 150-200 0C). Higher boiling points have kerosene. But it's a liquid solvent with similar properties. They can dissolve or dilute the varnish and oil paints.


Fiery Serpent

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COUNTRY Da'Arias Sacred country Da'Arias (gift Aryans) was the sunken continent of North Arctic Ocean and was divided into four rivers: Rai, Tula, and SMAD h'Arra. Each clan had its own Great Race territory bounded by the rivers. All four rivers flowed into an inland sea. At sea, an island on which stood Mountain of the World (Meru). Peace on the Mount was built by the city of Asgard and Daariysky great temple.

There is a copy of the card Da'Arias, which was copied Merkaterom in 1595 from the wall of one of the pyramids at Giza. (Today, many countries wanted to possess the land of our ancestors) FACE OF THE EARTH By Rune chronicles 300,000 years ago, the appearance of the planet Earth was very different. The Sahara was the sea, Indian Ocean – land. Strait of Gibraltar was not. On the Russian Champaign, where is Moscow, was the sea. On the territory of Omsk was a large island Buyan. Sacred Land Da'Arias linked to the mainland by the Isthmus of mountain Rhipaean (Ural) mountains.

The Volga River flows into the Black Sea. Different people on the Midgard-earth inhabited by people with different skin colors and defined territory of residence. This Earthly humanity has ancestors who arrived on the Midgard-earth from a variety of heavenly palaces – Star Systems, namely: Great Race – white skin, the Great Dragon – yellow skin color, the Fiery Serpent – red skin Gloomy Heath – black color; Pekelnogo World – gray color, foreigners (Jews).


Facilitating Math for Tweens

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There are many ways to make learning Math easier.  One way – we believe – is through the enjoyment of the Rubik’s cube.  Learning how to solve a scrambled Rubik’s cube – the actual process of the education – is a coveted way to put learning into practice in general for greater mathematical challenges.

Online there already exists different “How To’s” on solving the Rubik’s cube.  We however, take your mathematical problems, and, before trying to solve them, help you enjoy the playing of the Rubik’s cube.  Once you’re comfortable with that, we go back to your mathematical challenges.

At the end of the day it’s just one way to help tween and teens actually enjoy the mathematical process, without getting frustrated.  Putting the fun back into Math and taking the stress out of it.