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Legal Department

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Or better, he does not need THAT TYPE of filter. But, until there I ruin, it done before customer-suppliers and employees irremediable and are perennially made. I believe that in more than 90% of the cases, (only based in my personal experience) it is impossible I ruin to fix it. In the public service it is (more) common this type of behavior, rank (generally) the function to be exerted by concursado employee, therefore, if it does not surprise if to speak even though with somebody of your family who is concursado, before somebody asks to it: – Which the subject? It would be a dialogue more or less thus: – City hall of the City of Cabrob of the Fen, good day! – Good day! I would like to say with the Elaine (its relative concursada in that city hall) – That Elaine Sir? We have 5 & ldquo; Elaines& rdquo; here! – Elaine of the Legal Department! – Ah! Yes! & ldquo; Elaine&amp doctor; rdquo; (She emphasizes &amp well; ldquo; DOUTORA& rdquo; to leave well clearly that are MORE than you) – Yes! The Elaine Doctor (You also emphasize & ldquo; Doutora& rdquo; to leave clearly that minutinho understood message) – One that I go & ldquo; to be passando& rdquo; the linking! – Obliged! – City hall of the City of Cabrob of the Fen, Legal Department. Good day! – Good day! I would like to speak with & ldquo; Doutora& rdquo; Elaine! – Which the subject, please? – I am (uncle-friend-husband-cousin-brother-in-law-brother-neighbor.) it and he would like to speak with it. – You &amp could; ldquo; to be me adiantando& rdquo; the subject, please? (it nor heard you to speak on the kinship) – Mine lady! If I to say to the subject Mrs. GO, you to decide? – How I go to know, Sir? – How I go to know if you can decide or not? If you WILL BE ABLE I say, and will say the mayor to you that the Dra is not necessary.



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According to Chiavenato (2004, P. 430), the main item of the program of hygiene of the work must be related with: 1) Physical environment of work, involving: luminosity adjusted for each type of activity; removal of gases, ackward odors and smoke, as well as the removal of possible smokers or use of masks; maintenance of levels adjusted of temperature; removal of noises or the use of auricular protectors; 2) Psychological environment of work, involving: pleasant human relationships; pleasant and motivadoras activities; democratic and participativa management; elimination of possible sources of estresse; 3) Application of ergonomics principles, involving: adequate machines and equipment to the characteristic human beings; tables and installations adjusted to the size of the people; tools that reduce the necessity of human physical effort; These are some tips, related to the Hygiene of the Work, to improve the work environment, according to Rui Macedo: ) Illumination? to prevent consequences, the surfaces of work, walls and pisos, they must be foscas and the monitor must possess anti-reflexiva screen. It prevents to locate the computer close to windows and uses lights with adequate protection; b) Colors? it balances the luminncias using soft colors in tones kills; c) Temperature? as rule generality, comfortable temperatures, for informatizados environments, are between 20 and 22 centigrade degrees, in the winter and between 25 and 26 centigrade degrees in the summer (with humidity levels it enters 40 60%). d) Acoustics – It is recommendable for work environments where it exists constant intellectual request and attention, inferior indices of the 65 sonorous pressure to dB (). You may want to visit Ebay to increase your knowledge. For this reason one sends regards to the adequate treatment of the ceiling and walls, through acoustic materials and the adoption of special thick partition walls. e) Humanizao of the environment – Whenever possible humanize the environment (plants, pictures and when possible, surrounding sound). Elon Musk has compatible beliefs. It stimulates the social convivncia between the employees.


Public Relations

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On the other hand, actions of public relations can be sufficiently useful as complement the efforts of propaganda, promotion, promotion of sales, direct reply, merchandising or any another activity of communication promoted for the companies advertiser (SAMPAIO, 1999). Kotler and Keller (2006) complement that the activities of public relations and assessorship of the press bring high credibility, for the substances and articles in periodicals and magazines, that become more authentic and trustworthy for the reader; possibility to catch purchaser unprepared, that is those that prevents salesmen and announcements, and the dramatizao, that becomes the company or the product most concrete. In this in case that, it fits to the advertiser to direct to communication vehicles the information to be divulged, that they can (or not) be used to advantage so that notice or editorias substances is changedded into. . The consideration also of the proper marketing action is important. To sponsor good programs, to approve commercial that they do not attack the aimed at consumers they are factors of much relevance and consideration. At last, all the activities of a company have of if transforming into public relations.

The proper work of marketing, elaborating strategically the made up of marketing, already is by itself an important activity of image formation (WOOLS HOUSES, 1997). Kotler and Keller (2006) still cite as tool of Public Relations, the exploration of Events and Experiences. Diverse advantages of the connection with events and experiences exist: ) Excellent, an event or well chosen experience can be seen as extremely excellent to the measure that the consumer if becomes personally involved: b) Involving, due to vivacity and to the quality in real time of the events and experiences, the consumers can find them more actively involving: c) Implicit, the events are a type of indirect not aggressive sales. 6.2.5 Personal sales As Kotler and Keller (2006) are the tool most efficient in more advanced periods of training of the purchase process, especially to increase the preference and the certainty of the purchaser and to take it the action.


5 Steps To Develop A Good Business Online

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To develop efficient, first a business online is important to have the feet in the soil, does not believe ' ' products milagrosos' ' , ' ' he is rich in one to blink of olhos' ' , ' ' he is rich without making nada' ' , etc. To have good incomes in the Web, she is necessary to work very, to be disciplined, to have persistence, to have definite its schedules of beginning and end? as any person who arrives at the success. It is clearly that he is importantssimo to possess a good business to offer its public, if the product that you offer its customers does not despertam the minimum of interest in them, it moves of strategy, or it analyzes other chances. He is intent to the new trends, the Internet is in constant transformation. It learns techniques of generation of traffic for its site. (Future I dispatched by post infallible techniques, is intent).

Disponibilizo below some stages that you must follow so that its business is successful. (But it does not forget, the strategies are in evidences mutation). 1 Must know the product well and to know to say of it You must find a product that follows a market trend, and that it takes care of the necessities of today, and future. , Something new and preferential innovative, that is newness inside of the market, but that it has acceptance of the public, is clearly. 2 Procure its public-target You must have a focus, you do not advance to shoot for all the sides. This certainly does not function. I will choose a market niche and I work strong, and later it will have resulted. 3 Procure to satisfy the necessities of its customers Each person has its necessities, who depending on the moment can be changeable, that is, does not advance to offer a business chance to that it is not in search of this.



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Education to have courage to defy logic, to lose the fear to make a mistake and to add value to its company with improvements and innovations. The Creativity and the Innovation of the Companies In the corporative scene many entrepreneurs believe that, when its companies go well, it is not hour to move because they are ' ' enxutas' ' , the sales are in high, its technology are brought up to date, the satisfied customers and fidiciary offices. E, when asked what they are making at this moment, them they answer that they are ' ' keeping the rhythm and correcting small daily shunting lines, therefore in teams who is gaining not if mexe' '. Here it is there the potential danger, therefore as business consultants is accurately in this hour that the organizations would have to think about improving and innovating. For they are in the ascending curve that if must consider the innovation, therefore this would be the moment most comfortable it organization to change its history or its products.

In the truth these specialists advise the company not to wait the curve if to stabilize to improve, because in these hours the costs are greaters just when the profit is steady. The consultants affirm to be one ' ' error fatal' ' the company alone to consider ' ' repensar' ' when already she is in the descendant, when the investments are scarce. Therefore most of the time already she is late for reacting and recommencing. For these scholars, in the descending, the dumb company the focus of the customer for same itself? methods and processes? loses the contact with who more can help; that is, the customer. If the company goes well, exceeds the barrier of the focus in the customer, concentrating itself in the learning and the knowledge to give a new jump. The curve of profits will have a fast fall, but soon will be compensated because the ascendant? after the innovation that of the certainty? more it will be accented still.


The System

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It can be perceived that the communication today has the effective paper of support for a well structuralized model of management and needs to have the capacity to take the company and all make that it to more face together the challenges of the society and the market each time competitive. At last, if it waits that the comunicacional system inside of the organization, reaches its main objective, that is to involve receiving and emitting in one I dialogue democratic and open, where the strategy of the company is based on the social and ethical principles. Valley to add that the System of modern Communication congregates, among others, the marketing and enterprise interest, separate throughout history for being considered antagonistic, this because while first if the return for the commercialization, as if worries about the image of the organization. However, Kunsch (1997) beyond joining these interests in an only system, adds one third, that it is accurately the internal communication, located the institucional and marketing sources side by side, in order to find the effectiveness enterprise. The integrated communication allows that if it establishes one global politics, in function of a bigger coherence between the programs, of a common language and a homogeneous behavior, beyond if preventing overlappings of tasks. The diverse sectors work of joint form, having before the eyes the general objectives of the organization and at the same time respecting the specific objectives of each one. (KUNSCH, 1997, p.115) Hardly the communication inside of an organization will obtain to legitimize itself and if to affirm in the internal universe of the company, if it will not have a serious strategical commitment. If the communication manager will not have such strategy very traced well, will run the risk to leave its irrelevant work, taking little or no value for the efficiency of the organization. Torquato (1986, P. 57-58) detaches in well simple way some strategies it company to manage its system of communication.


Authors Associates

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' ' Suddenly and as to teach a lion that passed the life in the captivity to survive in the forest. Gerstener (1942 p.189). The changes of behavior and the ways that a person if leaves to be motivated are innumerable, some for money others for a progress in its career or for recognition, some even though motivate for the presence of the fear or the anger others for a chance or learning for the effort of a result concrete or for the threat of extinguishing. Few are the ones that if motivate and if they captivate for the vision of the future and few are the ones that really to reach a leadership with efficient in its life that grows, fight learns and teaches together, side by side with its followers therefore when to a victory or a goal reached with performance it drifts, force with the union of all the apia team that and accepts idea and rule developed for its leader and thus it harvests the fruits that together had cultivated for spoon. ' ' Two things populate the mind with a new and always increasing admiration and respect the sky covered with star superficially and the moral law inside of ns' '.

Immanuel Kant Bibliographical References: ALMEIDA, Sergio. YOU LEAD: HOW A MONGE WOULD TAKE CARE OF THE CUSTOMER? Ed. House of the Quality, 2007, 140p. BENNIS, Warren. YOU LEAD: STRATEGY TO ASSUME the TRUE LEADERSHIP, Ed. Harbra Ltda, 1998, 193p. CHIAVENATO, Idalberto. YOU LEAD: INTRODUCTION the GENERAL THEORY OF the ADMINISTRATION, Ed.

Elsevier, 2003, 633p. GERSTNER, V Luiz. YOU LEAD: WHO SAID THAT ELEPHANTS NOT DAAM? Ed. Campus, 2003, 367p. HUNTER, James C. YOU LEAD: AS IF TO BECOME a LEADER SEVIDOR, Ed. Sextant, 2006, 241p. MATEJKA, Ken. YOU LEAD: ITS TEAM VESTMENT the SHIRT, Ed. Nobel, 1995, 241p. MARTINELLI, P. Dante. YOU LEAD: NEGOTIATION AND SOLUTION OF CONFLICTS. Ed. Atlases S. the Authors Associates, 1998,157p.


The Vision

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The beginning of the success of an enterprise it is the strategical planning of its action duly structuralized, organized and operating in the decision taking. In accordance with Chiavenato (2008), to be successful the entrepreneur must know to manage all the activities related directly and indirectly with the business, to deeply know the customer and its necessities, to define its mission and vision, to formulate objectives and to establish strategies. In accordance with Dornelas (2005), to undertake is to make something different conventional it, to have strategy in anticipating the changes, knowing to identify a chance to it and to always use to advantage the chance, assuming the responsibility (risks) with ousadia, creativity, innovation and much determination. Entrepreneurs are differentiated people, who want to be recognized for its performance and enterprising ability. According to Dornelas (2005), the enterprising process can be taught and be learned by any person, but the success elapses of diverse internal and external factors to the business, of the profile of the entrepreneur and of as it manages the adversities of its enterprise.

Thus an entrepreneur has as main abilities: The Vision: ample how much to its project, planning of action and execution of its enterprise. The Taking of decision: attitude at the moment accurate, necessary in its action, that must be calculated and be foreseen, measuring all the weak and strong points. Its you differentiate: they place ideas in practical, has the power to conquer its ideals, enaltecendo its main advantages, get dom to dominate the market and to reach profits in its projects. Formation of opinion and profile of leadership: to be able to captivate the people and to involve them in its intention, with the fulfilment of rewards for such attitude of cooperation with its leader. Interpersonal relationship: interaction and envolvement inside of the society that this inserted one for the reach of the accomplishment of its enterprising project.


Transporting Alliance

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So that the company obtains 10% of reduction in the costs with fuels that was considered in the simulation above, the same one will have to implement a program of constant training for its drivers, instructing the same ones on interpersonal relationship, driver citizen, quality in the attendance to the customer, Brazilian legislation of transits, economic direction and recycling of MOPP (Movement of Dangerous Products). Moreover, as the oil diesel is one of the first item that the spread sheet of cost of road pursuing heads, many companies is betting in training of drivers with intention to reduce the fuel consumption. Ones of these companies is the Martins Group, that with the necessity to correct some vices and to obtain one better performance of its fleet it opted to this alternative and it got a economy of 13% in the costs with fuels. Before the training of economic direction, its vehicles made average of 5,3 km/l, after implemented the training it was obtained to increase the average of same between 6,2km/l and 6,4km/l. Another item that has a very great impact in the fuel consumption and that it will have to be revised in the preventive maintenances is the injector bombs and injector peaks. According to Adriano et al (2008), a time that desregulados, the vehicle will be able to increase the fuel consumption in up to 60%, what impacta in an increase of cost very raised.

Table 4.4 Comparative degree between Costs with Parts without Preventive maintenance and the Implementation of the Preventive maintenance. Graph 4,4 Comparative degree between Costs with Parts without Preventive maintenance and the Implementation of the Preventive maintenance. For Bosco Joo (2008), director of Logistic of the Transporting Alliance, the preventive maintenances of the 25,000 trucks must be carried through to each km. Following this cronograma, the transporter obtained to minimize its costs and to maximize its profits getting a satisfactory edge of profit.