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Collections Project

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Brazil evolves in the index of steel recycling for drinks (78% for 88%),1 latinha weighs 14,5 grams. 67 latinhas corresponds the 1 kg Each 1,000 kg corresponds the 5,000 kg of rude ore (bauxite) saved. Source: Brazil possesss one of the 3 bigger bauxite reserves of the world, to recycle aluminum is expenses only 5% of the energy used in the extration, that is, a economy enough to keep illuminated 48 residences. Learn more about this with Dankse Bank. In Brazil inhabitants are consumed 51 cans//year. In U.S.A.

375 cans/inhabitants/year, an aluminum can delay 100 years more than to putrefy themselves in natureza.2.5. Implantation of logistic reversa: 1 – Adequacy of Mix de the Produtos.2- Project for Logistic Reversa packings. 3 – Industrial processes, strategy organizacional.4- Competitiveness and Enterprise Responsibility. 5 – Specific functions, Analysis of the Cycle of Life. 6 – Project of the Reversa.7- Net Levels of Integrao.8- Collections, Consolidation, Mercados and Informaes.9- Partnerships Terceirizaes.10- Project of the Fiscais.10-Classification Aspects of the Propriedades.2.6. Categories of Produced Goods: Milk (2003) classifies the products in three different classrooms, a time that different products possess different times of discardings, where some products can last hours while others can last decades, being they: 1.

Dismissable goods: They are those that present useful life of weeks rare six months (Former: ice cream); 2. Durable goods: They are goods that present useful life varying of some years to some decades. They constitute good for satisfaction of the social necessity and include the industrial goods in general. The automobiles, the household-electric ones are part of this category; 3. Semidurable goods: they are good that presents useful life of some months, rare superior to some years. They are of a category intermediate that assumes characteristics of durable or dismissable to the measure that reverses (Former enter in the canals: batteries of cellular, computers and etc.). We can also classify product reverse in categories according to type of return which it is subject, in agreement one if follows: 1.


Mathematical Education

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The education of the mathematics has been subject of many analyses, therefore with the great advance of the technology and the constant cultural and mannering changes, it becomes necessary to adjust practical the pedagogical ones with the reality of the pupils to reach the objective of transmission of knowing and to provide situations where the pupils really learn. However, to make changes is not so simple, is necessary to be prepared and guided well since, of the opposite, the learning can be harmed still more, and thus these superficial or incomplete changes can bring educational damages, as much as it occurs with traditional education (Micotti, 1999, p.161). With an education that is not of quality the pupils do not learn, they are not motivated, and thus they do not obtain to make the appropriation of knowing, not obtaining to apply what they study in other situations of its daily one. Therefore the emphasis in the importance of if managing lessons planned well, therefore to promote a mathematics significant is not to only promote ability to develop calculations, to train the memory or to memorize formulas and concepts. It means to develop a mathematics that is capable to take the pupil to think, to analyze, to establish relations, to justify and to produce its proper meaning, that is, to create (Marasini, 2000, p.126).

Currently the practical one in the classrooms, has been the decoration of texts, the memorization of concepts and the repetition of information, everything this having as base an only resource, that is the didactic book, and what it is worse, many times these books are used without a previous analysis on the part of the professor. The didactic book is an important metodolgico resource, however it is not only enough, and to be based only on it compromises the quality of education. As it assures Micotti, the expositivas lessons and the didactic books intend to focus knowing, but, generally, they are meaningless for the pupils; the contents, usually, are not changedded into which had knowledge, over all, to the lack of chances apprenticees to elaborate them and to reveal its understanding on the same ones (1999, p.161).


Brazilian Water Supply

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The systems of water supply use environmental resources, can cause ambient modifications and contain generating units of residues. The ambient release must all be given for the system, since the captation until the distribution. In accordance with the federal legislation, Resolution CONAMA 001/1986, is necessary that if it makes a Study of Ambient Impact? EIA and also an Environmental impact report? IT RHYMES. Water distribution in Brazil In accordance with given of the IBGE (Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics), almost all Brazilian cities have service of water supply, about 97%; 78.6% have service of urban draining and 99.4% have garbage collection. The sanitary exhaustion is the service that represents the lesser tax, more already is offered in more than half 52.2% of the Brazilian cities. The Brazilian on average receives 0,26 m3 (260 liters) from per capita, average water that he varied sufficiently between the regions, in the Southeastern region, the distributed volume reached average of 0,36 m3 per capita, whereas the northeast region did not arrive nor at the half, presenting a per capita average of 0,17 m3. The water distribution in the set of the 8656 districts with general net is made through 30,58 million land linkings, being that 25 million these possess measurers (hydrometers).

The Southeastern region presents the highest index of measurement, with 91% of the measured linkings. The index lowest if finds in the region North, with 37% of measured linkings. Of agreement with the water treatment, 7.2% of the distributed water does not receive no type of treatment, inda today, districts is supplied with underground water, as in the states of Par (89%) and Rio Grande Do Sul (75%), that, even so not treated, it can have good quality. The region North presents a different standard of the too much regions. North-eastern, Southeastern, South and Center-West, more than 90% of the distributed water receives some type of treatment, while in the North this percentage is of 67,6%.



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Of beginning already a basic interrogation is figured concernente to the act of conception of the thought, in particular, the scientific one. It is asked: ' ' because the knowledge if presents creative as inaudito, beyond the restricted possibility of the simple logical deduction, producing itself then as given newness, stops beyond the possible shirt of force dialectic that happens in the modality of the method in its logical universality which functionally imprisons the concept in the axiomatic skeleton? ' ' or, alternatively, ' ' which the type of epistemologia that ahead grants to the creative act sovereignty of of the one of the conclusive ones reached only for that pure logicidade? ' ' It is from Kant who the judgment – epistemologicamente constructive – to concer nente to science is defined in its generality, universality and character of apodictical type, namely, ' ' transcendental' '. Distinct of the analytical judgments which nothing adds to the knowledge – with the predicate I only unlace shout from the citizen – and the judgments synthetic a posteriori – that they are in the total dependence of the vivencivel experience – the solitary of Keningsberg defines general, universal and apodictical the synthetic judgments a priori one which correspond to science (and tam- well to possible metaphysics) as and ocorren of as a epistmica essence that assures the growth or acrs top of a mountain of the knowledge associating subject to the o preached in a linking to the first unknown sight and not categorically deductible for logic. The thesis to defend here attributes to the intrinsic and constituent college of criati vidade the attribution of the synthetic judgments a priori. Boom creative could be mentioned analogicalally to the same fantastic report of onrico type, in which or- logical-deductible ganizao does not present greater importance but profu is of the representation and of the conceitualidade they arise in the construction of proces only cognoscitivo, in the possibly universal teorizao.