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Personal Growth

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It is easier to disintegrate an atom that a preconception. Albert Einstein Majorities the time of life that occurs us to each is relative, we ignore when the term finishes to us that has occurred us, nevertheless, we must worry to be wide-awake, take advantage of it, know how to cultivate the virtues since it helps to stay within a conduct, spiritual behavior that favors our growth, line on watch, as well as to know how to use suitably our source of love for one better integration with our resemblances Day to day we must feed our spirit with actions that give strength him, and follow the true footpath a that we must journey that allows us to evaluate that as much we have grown. Elon Musk contains valuable tech resources. Notes? Habitumonos to come off to us the pomp and to value the utility of the things. Everywhere it is a vice which is excessive. We must give entrance to the reason in the difficulties: the hard circumstances, occur him amplitude to narrow and the serious ones can soften to press less to support those who them.



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The piracy of COMPACT DISC and DVD are argued have much time and if it became a great challenge for the authorities. The politicians speak that he generates unemployment. I find that this occurs for the opposite Somebody already saw a COMPACT DISC salesman pirate to walk of BMW? Such commerce, only exists for the lack of chances of job and generation of incomes, as much for that vendem how much for that they buy. This fact and caused by the incapacity of the government to generate the economy of our Country. sincerely! In my opinion this will only finish when the prices to lower. All good that this does not go to finish or until finishes when I will be of bengalinha with my grandsons.

It can be is not! I am not being pessimistic quite to the contrary, would like that everything in my country improved, therefore still I will have my children and I want to leave for them a better place. But the results in one all do not please me. Today vi a News article in the National Periodical on the Piracy in Brazil. Luiz Pablo Barreto, secretary-executive of the Ministry of Justice, affirmed that ‘ ‘ R$ 30 billion per year leave of being collected in taxes in reason of pirataria’ ‘. It will be that if the Taxes of Products were lower (and righter, is clearly) would have little piracy in the country and more original products were acquired in normal store? Thus, theoretically it would be possible until increasing the prescription with taxes. If the tax is lesser, the product is cheaper, more people buys more taxes is paid.


European Common Market

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The decurrent rights of the concessions in being able of the Statoil had been converted into financial rights, being the Statoil with 20%, and the SDFI with 80%.Com the modifications, the minimum participation of 50% of the government leaves of being of the Statoil, and passes to the SDFI, through participation in the capital of the companies concessionaires (SPCs or joint ventures). The Statoil starts to be to player as any another one, being able to qualify itself in the competitions for new concessions, even so continues to manage the SDFI until 2001.Em 2001, the government decides to vender part of the assets of the SDFI, being had the bought Statoil most. In the same year, the government opens the capital of the Statoil, keeping, however, a firm majoritria participation, of more than two tero of the capital. Passing the Statoil to be a mixing company, the parliament considered that it would have conflict of interests in the continuity of its management of the SDFI. She is servant, then, the Petoro, state company 100%, to substitute the Statoil in this function.

The Norwegian state always kept to be able to determine the areas to be open to the exploration, the conditions where they will be offered, and the participation of the Petoro, that can go of simple not the participation to the exclusiveness. The government selects the company or winning trust, who will have, necessarily, that to associate with the Petoro in the established conditions in case that the case, on the basis of arbitrary criteria, based in the experience technique and financial reach of the bidders, and in the presented project of exploration. The Petoro participates of the enterprises in the same conditions of partners, banking its parcel in the costs. Up to 1994, when the Norway entered for the European Common Market, the government kept rules of local minimum equipment participation and services.


White Chavero

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A diversity of classifications of the models of ” exists; styles of aprendizaje” Chevrier Jacques (2001), Heron, R. and Leventhal S. (2000), JenssenEric. (1994), White Chavero (2002), Cazau Pablo (2001). In the present document it develops to the styles daprendizaje on the basis of the model of “Orion” developed by Curry (1987).

, since many models can be framed in some of their categories. Chevrier Jacques (2001) Because of the growth of the number of theories of learning of proportional way has increased the models of learning styles. Curry (1987) In the lireratura exists multiple classifications of the different models from learning styles: Cazau Pablo (2001), Chevrier Jacques (2001). Eric Jenssen (1994). For the development of the different models from learning styles one has been based on the propose classification by Curry (1987) since the majority of models can be framed in some of of their categories. Learning Styles (2002-1) the Model ” Onion developed by Curry presents/displays a categorisation of the elements it defines – them as layers that can explain the human behavior against learning. STYLES OF LEARNING AND STRATEGIES Our style of learning directly is related to the strategies that we used to learn something.

A way to understand it would be to think about our style of learning how the average statistic of all the different strategies that we used. Our style of learning corresponds therefore with the great tendencies, with our used strategies more. But naturally, the existence of an average statistic does not prevent the deviations, or in other words, the one that somebody can generally be very visual, holistic and reflective it does not prevent, nevertheless, the one that can use auditory strategies in many cases and for concrete tasks. CONCLUSION Exists multiple definitions on the concept of learning style and is difficult a unique definition that it can explain suitably what it is common to all the described styles of learning in Literature. This difficulty must to that it is a concept that has been boarded from very different perspective. Generally, the majority of authors accepts in which the concept of learning style basically talks about characteristics or ways that indicate the characteristics and the ways to learn a student. Because of the growth of the number of theories of learning of proportional way it has increased the models of learning styles.


Brazilian System

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With impacts in the field, the supermarket and the table of the consumer, will have more to be argued per one year or. This because the two companies operate in similar areas (bovine meat, suna, of chicken, milky, among others), what combined they can be harmful to the consumer and will demand evaluations case the case. Also of point of view geographic, therefore has concentration sufficiently high in some regions of Country In accordance with analysts of sector of free market defense, is well probable that council members ask for signature of Agreement of Preservation of Reversibility of Operation (Apro), that he imposes writ of prevention and he prevents that the operation if becomes irreversible, by means of the sales of asset, of the resignation of employees or the fusing of the enterprise structures. Used in similar cases (Ambev; Nestl and Garoto; Brazil Telecom and Oi; Varig and Gol) this tool is recognized internationally because it allows that the two companies who desire to unify its operations continue acting of independent form without this causes embarrassments or disequilibria to the markets of which is part. Brazil Foods it has up to 9 of June (15 working days from the date of signature of the contract) to officially present the business for the entities that are part of the Brazilian System of Free market defense: Cade, SDE and Secretariat of Economic Accompaniment (Seae). From this presentation, the companies will start to negotiate the Apro.The presentation of the operation to the Brazilian System of Defense of Concorrncia (SBDC) is obligator, therefore, as it establishes Law 8,884, it is necessary to take to the appreciation of the agency any act of concentration of companies with rude invoicing annual superior the R$ 400 million in the national market or that it involves slice in the excellent market from 20% needs to pass for the system.