The birth of new ideas in fashion Once upon a time, in the early XX century, no one knows Gabrielle Chanel did the first hats, significantly different from all others, that were then in vogue. People are not immediately accepted navatorskie Gabriel ideas, because no one wanted to follow the path of simplicity, was considered: the more feathers in his hat, the richer its owner. However, the young 'Coco' followed the path of simplicity and convenience that is not immediately applauded by many of the ladies time. But now everyone knows the name of Coco Chanel and be dressed in clothes of this brand is pristizhnym, like this time puts everything in its place. XXI Century – the time of vivid impressions Time runs very fast, and fashion is changing yet precipitously, if we can keep up with it – no one knows. But every year, the most famous fashion designers to expose more and more pretentious clothes, trying to impress us with their innovative ideas that will certainly become increasingly difficult.
What does a modern woman? Every well-known fashion designer believes that he knows how to dress the modern woman. But, as often happens, does not think about the convenience of such clothes in everyday life. What does a woman want? – Here the main question that all men are looking for answers. But, perhaps, easier to climb Everest than to find an answer to this question. And if you walk on a simple way, it turns out that she wants attention, compliments, be bright and attractive. Clothing that presents a good mood every morning lyuoy women begins with the selection of clothing.
– God, I did nothing to wear! – These are the phrases heard husbands from their wives in the morning. But when it was her great cabinet can be scored in different outfits. So what's the matter? Why there is nothing to put a modern woman? It's very simple … I want to surprise her clothes to get you noticed every day to watch it on you, catch vzgyady envious colleagues, I want to be brighter every day – clothing that you will vdohnavlyat. Suppose you did not work out daily, but if you are happy with themselves, how are you wearing today – nothing will ruin your mood: not bad weather, nor the evil boss, nor anything in the world. Look at things easier. A woman wants attention, especially from men, the more attention, the more self-confidence. Where can I find a good mood? The choice of clothing – sometimes is much more complex than it seems at first glance. This is particularly difficult to understand men. It would seem to be easy: he came, saw and bought. But no, men do not understand this mysterious rite choice of clothes for women. Woman can go shopping all day and buy yourself a pair of gloves and be happy the next couple of days, maybe a month. Is such a man could understand? It is necessary to give any favorite adorable little thing and a woman will not be happy of owning this thing, but the sign of attention from men. Bring your girlfriend in a clothing store and say, 'Choose what you like. " And you give it 2-3 hours a mad joy, it all depends on the size of shop. How little is needed for schatya: good new clothes, soft white gloves, a new skirt or even a fluffy scarf. Want to be happy – be! To do this, there is Woolmart.