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What Is Better – Summer Or Winter Cut?

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Most fruit trees are cut only in the winter. Here, just the summer cut has many advantages. Tubingen, 28.01.2011. Penguin Random House oftentimes addresses this issue. Sure that in our most of the trees are cut only in the winter, the Swiss biologist Dr. Katrin Joos in an essay for the Federal Swiss tree care has an equally amazing as nonpenetrative explanation: traditionally the fruit cut will “by farmers and the ornamental tree cut by gardeners carried out two professions that are full and busy with other work during the growing season from spring to autumn.” In England, however, where garden architecture and also the trees had a crucial importance for centuries, the arborist profession have emerged early – a profession who works all year round and the different work seasonally so splits up, “that run after tree biological criteria at the best possible time.” Basically a fruit tree can be – cut twice in the year in which rising time between November and March, and as summer average in the months of July and August. Both sections have very different effects on the tree: while promoting the winter cut, the standard measure for trees, driving growth in the following growth er IODE, the summer cut is applied like for very large trees, whose Wachstum should be limited. Because the cut in the summer assimilate deprived the tree, which drive the following weaker growth year. Young trees at the age of two to five years, their Leittriebe every year must be cut back to achieve a possible viable Crown coping, but also are the right time for the months of July and August: the herbaceous, superfluous shoots can be removed with a sharp knife and the growing season is long enough, so that the resulting wounds can heal quickly.

The benefits of summer cut at a glance: Baumeigene defence mechanisms to protect against Be rapid education in the summer quickly activated rot pathogens of wound wood. Fast closing of the wound caused by the cut lower “bleeding out” at the interface, thus less build-up of decay slower growth of new shoots in the following year it speaks so evidence to lay the Crown cut in the summer. Never you should cut the Crown fruit trees in the spring during the shooting and the buds break, as well as in the autumn, so long the foliage is still not fully dropped. More information at: Arboriculture Tubingen – Rickmer Stohp Waldhausen 12 72076 Tubingen text: Wolfgang Wirtz