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The Customers

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The information is later, the extraordinary right of termination extends for the contributor for another four weeks. But the funds will seek probably boost announcement and the To announce additional contributions in a timely manner, the customers outrun them but otherwise. Has a right of termination of the contributors? Yes he did. Each legally insured contributor has a so-called special right of termination. And then, if his health insurance has announced additional contributions. Then, he can make use of this right. The duration of membership is not important.

The cancellation period is two months to the end of the month. Example: The contributor may know that his insurance company would like to increase the additional contribution and terminated the contract in this month, so he is released end of July from the contract. He must no longer pay their additional contributions. It is the normal rate of the contribution. Correctly you cancel as follows: to send a letter of resignation to the Fund, preferably by throw-in registered. Within 14 days from the confirmation notice the cashier the insured should take. Then, these must be submitted with the new health insurance. Mostly are branches of the funds in the vicinity, you can then also bring comfortable personally pass.

The new checkout the insured person receives a Member certificate and its insured card then. He then is to effect change. What is a change to the private? So just doing a change worth comparison a car? Yes in principle, a change comes after termination of the statutory fund. Only certain conditions must be met. Certainly, the most important condition is the year income limit (JAEG). This is the year 2012 50.850 euro. This means that you can only change if you earn above this rate. Such a change is not possible. In the variety of offerings of private funds, a PKV comparison worthwhile anyway. Numerous online fare product calculators provide information about a variety of issues. You should check carefully with a serious interest in the changing of the statutory health insurance in private health insurance.


German Insurance

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Therefore, it is certainly not surprising that the insurer had already success with his model. There were at the time even people who wanted to sell life insurance. Compared to today, the life insurance was significantly more transparent: the customer participated through the purchase of shares in the business of the insurer. As a result, the policyholder received extensive protection or the family of customers was secured. Thus, the early form of these insurers were a financial institution that a performance to the customer in the form of a sum of insured snafus. Read additional details here: Prudential. The security and the ability to pay these financial institutions fell was ensured by the latest mathematical calculations. Then, too, there was already the distinction between life insurance and life insurance.

With the risk life insurance policyholders could hedge their loved ones, with the capital life insurance customers received all benefits of term life insurance and could at the same time provide for the life in the age. At that time, however, only a small percentage had completed a life insurance policy. Keep up on the field with thought-provoking pieces from MetLife. The major part of the policyholder interest for risk life insurance. In the course of the industrial revolution changed also the society as a whole. Over the decades, the nobility more and more of the scene and the simple man disappeared”got much more influence.

In the large metropolitan areas, the burgeoning social question had”resolved the industrialization. Capitalism’s critics called this exploitation and Manchester capitalism based on the devastating conditions in English factories. In fact, the social circumstances in the German cities were more than just worrying. Who worked in the mine or in a factory, had to prepare themselves at least a 12-hour day. Just under days were sometimes disastrous working conditions. This was mainly due to the bad air in the mines. In addition, safety in the tunnels was not just big posted. You always exposed the danger of an accident so as workers.


Institute Insurance

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56% Of applicants under 50 and only 13 percent were older than 60 years. This refuted all skeptics have suspected that the new offer only for the old and the infirm is attractive, because it, unlike usual, forego health checks and appropriate risk premiums. On the subject of care still seems a high need for advice to insist, as evidenced by a recent study by the German health insurance (SDK). The SDK allowed for the study survey 1,000 citizens. Thus, half of the citizens doesn’t even know the care-Bahr. 70 Percent of Germans also admit to have no idea whether a long-term care well enough covered they. The vast majority (78 percent) is aware that they must privately provide care case, because there is too little money from the State in the event of an emergency. Many citizens still shy to complete a nursing insurance.

Any third party holds such additional protection for unimportant. 60 Percent of those polled by the SDK indicated they felt ill-informed. Support this image completes Institute of management and economics, stating that although every second German fears a care case to later, yet only 16 percent of the surveyed Germans indicated that a private care insurance by the representative study ‘business potential in the long-term care insurance”of the IMWF to have. For consultants, there is to do here so much. Finally the care-Bahr has police”advantages and disadvantages which must be weighed well considered against each other: consumer watchdogs have discussed already in detail by care Bahr in the first months of purpose.

Some State requirements arrived very well, such as for example the possibility to temporarily rest the insurance in case of an emergency, for example, if a policyholder working lots money refers to II. Is seen as positive, that the insurance for all adult non-dependent Citizens and make for the majority of people in this country accessible – by the obligation no policyholder should be rejected. Consumer protection, for example, of the given services for people with dementia in the lower levels of care is less enthusiastic. Dementia (care level 0) benefits are often significantly lower than in tariffs without allowance according to the Stiftung Warentest in same post. Also it has been already speculated whether for healthy people in private are possibly more lucrative, because care Bahr tariffs include also high-risk citizens, which would not be the usual purely private care insurance health check. For this higher overall risk for the insurers to pay for experts with all insured persons. Also low-income earners can drench no great benefit from care-Bahr in case of care, because their services on the basic service will be deducted. A low income earners also announces its care Bahr police contributions paid until then are gone.


Bernd Neuhoff

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On the other hand provides a highly qualified broker then for the demanding cross-selling and customer service. South financial compact: where is this breaking the advantage? Bernd Neuhoff: In many professions, specialization today is everyday life. Take the many specialists in medicine or the various lawyers in the lawyers only once. Today hardly anyone over ALLROUNDER would be describing here. This development is also necessary in the financial services. The broker, supported also by specialists in all sectors, such as finance, BAV, so can concentrate advice on their core competency, without worry about the acquisition.

The salespeople have the opportunity invariably on the core competence of the sales structure and customer acquisition, supported by a call centre to focus. South financial compact: How do you see the future of financial distribution? Bernd Neuhoff: Many distribution systems based on outdated information. You must carry out revolutionary changes, but otherwise is the structured sales in the Financial services a discontinued model. In our, expansion and quality oriented concept, I see therefore the only and best approach point to the potentiation of sales and to achieve financial freedom. South financial compact: another focus for the Multicon Board is the better reward of the broker with much higher Commission and above all build of a solid income through stock and subsequent commissions.

What’s the goal here? Bernd Neuhoff: I’m sure that we set an industry-wide example with our concept. Here, an improvement of working conditions is essential. If everyone on the core task to focus, which is the most for the performance is more compensation in the form of much higher Commission and above all by building a high inventory and follow-up Commission, the job is much more fun and joy. South financial compact: what has determined your success? Bernd Neuhoff: One must be performance-oriented and insistent. And of course having fun what to do. I personally feel about this at any time in my work. “Therefore, one of my wisdom is: RES severa verum gaudium.” South financial compact: joy is a serious matter? Bernd Neuhoff: Yes! As if joy and work go hand in hand, then really great things to do. About the South financial AG experience & tradition in finance the South financial holding AG is a holding company of the South financial group. South financial financial assets sales AG’s core business is the provision of carefully selected financial products and investments by third-party. Especially in the area of interest, the South finance AG has special experience, in particular in the private provision, as well as in the transmission of monetary systems through independent sales reps. Only independent financial advisors with a profound experience and special knowledge use the service of southern finance AG in finance. Also, the mediation of the sale of real estate belongs to the business activities of southern finance AG, here specifically listed condos, and real estate-related services. The South financial brand of Unitis specializes in the sector of car and is a recognized expert and now as one of the largest specialty distributors of in Germany in this area. Contact details South financial investments sales – Aktiengesellschaft Ulrike M. Hamasaki black-bear-str. 10, 93047 Regensburg Tel: 0049 (0) 941 5047 0 fax: 0049 (0) 941 5047 26 E-mail: more at:


Explains Ulf Niklas

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In this case the MiFID failed to clear their goal.”explains Ulf Niklas. The practically successful implementation of a laudable idea of consumer protection is just difficult. It was in the hands of customers to enforce clear responses to the assessment of the interest with clear questions to the Bank Manager. In the industry hope also to see that the required signature also without appropriate explanation of the commissions from usus done in many cases and where no plaintiff, there no judge. There is already another solution – the honorary advice.”Stephanie Lehmann runs. In the course of the implementation of the MiFID we expect experts therefore a significant increase in the willingness to pay separately for a truly independent investment advice. Because only who is rewarded for his services directly from the client, can offer in fact the necessary independence. This is clearly contrary to the majority belief even frequently cheaper.” Ulf Niklas explains: hidden commissions are not competitive.

How should they? The customer does not know what he pays to the detriment of his own performance.” Prominent examples are closed investments, life insurance funds and certificates, which brought the selling bank commissions of up to 10% of the investment amount. In contrast to this, the customer can very well compare the hourly rate for his independent advice. Unreasonably high hourly rates have no chance, so from the outset.” “Stephanie Lehmann added: our own starting point goes even further: we implement for our clients on the one hand better yields and costs on the other hand, so that he can easily cover our payment from a part of his resulting more earnings already in the first year.” Ulf Niklas runs: regardless of we expect the introduction of MiFID but also in the area of independent financial service providers with a significant shakeout. The reason is the new permit requirement in the core pursuant to section 32 KWG, after the independent financial advisers in the future only as financial services institutions approved by the Federal Agency for financial services supervision (BFin) may be active. The high requirements of the BFin on the one hand and the not insignificant supervisory costs on the other hand will cause a significant shakeout at the independent international financial service providers.” “The only existing alternative to the permit application according to 32 KWG, the walking under the MiFID” a great provider and thus original competitors, their own independence and thus the decisive argument for the customer as a result limit significantly.

“” Explains Ulf Niklas: who offers a MiFID, requires a return of course – such as exposing customer relationships and the preferred recording of their own products in the sales. are the “for us a MiFID is no real alternative.” Stephanie Lehmann explained. Permission was already under section 32 KWG applied for. “This mechanism clearly at the same time, so in the context of the expected shakeout also the quality and seriousness of free consultants considerably will increase: only the strong, highly competent independent advisors with wider and more satisfied customer base are can afford to permanently own permission.” And that is in turn in the meaning of the MiFID – and the financial planning offices.