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Uncle Vanya

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And he said to me: ‘Sasha, hello! Here we gather here to remove ‘Ivan the Terrible’, you do not want to come to trial? “. I say: ‘What kind of role? ” Well, I think, to some role there And he said to me: ‘Here, Ivan the Terrible’. I’ll tell you frankly, I never thought as an actor in this direction and did not present itself in the role of Ivan the Terrible. Hamlet Moliere – whatever you want, Uncle Vanya But Ivan the Terrible – this for me was something unimaginable, something that is not impossible – unthinkable. L. Pavel: Why is agreed? Demidov: That is because it was unimaginable. I’ll be honest: the nature actor – it is not normal yet, and because he wants to play everything. Behold, all things: a dog some Baskervilles – if given the role played somewhere in the movie, I’d played.

L. Find out detailed opinions from leaders such as Morgan Stanley by clicking through. Pavel: Sasha, here is a desire to be connected, and manage Maybe to be the king of all Russia, who wanted to manage all Tell me, what is this image? Ambivalent – I read on the Internet. On the one hand, the responses – a bloody murderer, strangler. On the other hand, loving person. Demidov: Builder state. Yes. Look for a start I want to say that not only the desire to dominate as the people I still have as an actor, but still have the desire to like the creation of a certain reality on stage or in a movie, build a power perceived.


Film Renaissance

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This is her second film, the first time she appeared on screen three years ago, in a picture of Sergei Ursulyak 'long Farewell ', the film adaptation of the novel by Yuri Trifonov. There was – and immediately made a small splash, having earned two awards for best actress – at the Festival 'Kinotavr' and 'Golden Ram' from the Guild of Film critics. However, her appearance in 'Euphoria' can not be explained in such a vulgar term, as 'nepotism'. Rather, Ivan Vyrypaev made his main character is it because he knew: no one else can cope, where to play an overwhelming feeling. Love, make you forget about the debt and fear, love, between life and death, love is a match for the heroes of ancient tragedy.

" Marina Davydova In our time in Russia should be a happy and successful official from the authorities, a businessman or a representative of art, mass or elite when extremes meet, so as not to perceive as a tragic era. And dream of the Renaissance, radiantly beautiful and at the same time is truly tragic, in full accordance with the genre of tragedy. The Golden Age of Athens marked the birth of tragedy, and the Renaissance in Europe Zapadanoy – sublimely beautiful and tragic era. In the perception of the tragedy of being Ivan Vyrypaev not aware that they live not just in the post-modern times (it's in the West), but in an era of decline of the Renaissance in Russia. It's time for the highest rise of the genre of tragedy, as in Spain and in England at the turn of the XVI-XVII centuries, at the end of the Renaissance, when the aesthetics of the Renaissance acquires features of the Baroque.


Michael Moore

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The latest documentary by filmmaker Michael Moore is certainly an effort to be controversial. After “Fahrenheit 9-11,” blockbuster $ 100,000,000, “Sicko” refers to the unfortunate health system in America, with special emphasis on the obsession with profit health organizations in the U.S.. A series of interviews with some of the 50 million Americans without health insurance makes the story starts, including a man who cut off two fingers in a carpentry accident, for budgetary reasons, was forced to choose which finger could replace. Then Moore directed several questions to former employees of health organizations, as the specialist Tony Benn, whose job was to find the smallest preexisting condition in the medical history of someone to refuse your claim (ranging from mild overweight or too high to have a mild infection). In the words of Mr. Benn, “Keeping people hopeless and pessimistic. I think there are two ways in which control people, first to frighten people and secondly demoralize them.

“Sicko” Michael Moore, the film is most acute, most important to date the filmmaker, as well as more fun. Get ready to laugh (of nervousness), as well as angry and mourn. Moore’s films are not always completely accurate in its details, but always serve as spark plugs, prompting a debate in weight. It is not a controversial as “Fahrenheit 9-11”, but a impassioned plea to all Americans to get rid of his own interest and invest in people.