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New Recession

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This Tuesday, the Spanish premium of risk has lowered of 341 to 334 basic points. The IMF aims at the risk of a new economic reverse and the World Bank presses the European leaders so that they take ” the decisions adecuadas” . The agency of qualification of risks Standard & Poor’ s recognizes the stagnation of the European bank. The European Central bank (BCE) has retaken new purchases of Spanish and Italian debt after this Monday the Spanish cousin of risk reached the 341 points, the highest level from the 5 of August, when it got to surpass at some moments the 410 points and caused that the BCE decided to buy for the first time in history sovereign debt of Spain and Italy to avoid a contagion of the debt crisis and to restrain the speculators. According to the stock-exchange operators, behind the present ascent of the Spanish premium of risk are the new fears to one global recession and the difficulties to surpass the crisis of the European sovereign debt, factors that also have brought about east Monday a collapse of the European bags.

In the heat of it begins to appear of the debt crisis, the European economic leaders and world-wide they send contradictory messages that aim at that panic to a new recession at world-wide level. First in giving the alarm voice she has been the director of the IMF, Christine Lagarde, that east Sunday aimed in an interview at a German newspaper that the risk of a new economic reverse on global scale exists, but that still can be avoided. A day after these affirmations, the president of the European Commission, Jose Manuel Durao Barroso, was butcher when discarding that the economic growth of the Eurozona is next to a recession, although yes will be modest: ” We did not anticipate a recession in Europa” , he said Muddy in a press conference..