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Economic Crisis

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Most problems in life, one way or another connected with his family relationships. And, unfortunately, in a difficult situation now, there are enough potential pitfalls, which can be broken ships many families. Today I'll tell you about the most terrible of them, and you really try them not "descend". The main features of the Russian family lie in the fact that: 1. The family usually is trehpokolennoy 2. Material and moral relationship of family members from one another is very high, 3. There is a fusion and confusion of family roles, indistinct separation of functions in the family. People are forced to negotiate all the time, and can not be definitively agreement.

Very often, in the Russian family is a process of substitution, when everyone in the family may be functionally and every time anyone. For example, in the family grandmother raising a child is actually functional mother of his grandson, a husband and wife share the bed, bound intimate relationship, but may be it does not relate the care and intimacy, because the husband is spiritually and emotionally closer to his mother, he first just take care of its interests. Functionally, this man is the husband of his mother and his wife's lover. The family lives mainly on her husband's money, but the family budget allocates the same grandmother, so that functionally it is the head of household, 4. Identity and sovereignty are virtually absent. The younger generation is much tighter and tougher due to the previous generation than in the West, tradition, continuity, and both expressed a state of conflict explicitly.


Psychology Technologies

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We follow you criticize of some professionals against Video, the TV and the infantile daily Internet in/adolescent, however the valley to stand out that the problem beyond the content of the cited item, as parents and educators the ideal for suggestion is to monitor the time excused to such activities, since it is of the knowledge of that situations of the life human being are loaded of positive and negative characteristics. Thinking about the negative consequences carried through studies in recent years they prove that the excess of time ahead of these technologies results in the reduction of the social interaction, weight increase (since they are hours and generally they are fed of incorrect form) and in many cases aggressiveness. Associated to these facts we find the question of the social violence and the absence of the parents (that they work each time more to supply the necessities), feeling if its children safer will be inside of house. The trend is that these young and children become adult sedentary. This increase of the technologies cannot be rejected, since it promotes benefits in the daily activities. Assuming themselves of the concept of Homostasis of the Physics and the Biology that if she relates to the balance and transposing it in Psychology it mentions itself to the dynamic balance of the aspects: mind and body. Considering the positive consequences the described technologies above they contribute for the motor development, stimulates attention, concentration and perception, logical reasoning. The diversity of activities facilitates healthful a physical and mental development; the oxigena physical activity the brain, produces disposal, the sport in group develops the social relations and contributes for solution of problems, potencializa/develops the creativity, control of the anxiety, etc. Uses to advantage what the scientific evolution offers in them balancing external activities (dances, sports, languages, strolls to shopping; parks) with the interns (in the tranquillity of the home). It is part of the life of its son sharing the moments same that in the distance! If it will have difficulties with its son counts on our aid.



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In this context of dominant malaise, the millions of unemployeds, as well as many integrant ones of the dominant groups, had started to believe the promises of Hitler to transform Germany into a rich and powerful country. In the power, Hitler it obtained quickly that the Parliament approved a law that allowed to govern without giving satisfaction it of its acts nobody. the committed atrocities and the human genocide had thus been initiated, of which the Jews, the Communists had been white main, the homosexuals and all the other people who did not belong to the call Aryan race (considered superior, on the basis of the theory of the Social Darwinismo). However, what inherent abandonment to the human being (FREUD, 1930), in the argued case, the abandonment of all a population, can have done with that Hitler does not have been hindered to commit such crimes against the humanity. With its promises to supply the necessities of its Nation and to return auto-they esteem and to avenge Germany, conquered followers who had been condescending with its attitudes, becoming them unquestioned. Freud agrees to Kant to what this affirms that the worse tyrants are those that want to compel to the people to be happy, according to way that they, the tyrants, indicate to them. It is what it occurs at this moment of History.

According to FREUD (1930), the human being tries to make of everything to run away from the abandonment and the anguish of the solitude, from there its constant necessity to construct and to elaborate saving ideologies, as, in the case argued throughout this article, the libertarian ideal of Olga Benario. ‘ ‘ I fought for just, the good one, optimum of mundo.’ ‘ The dream of a better world, as is said by it, to the end of its life, reflects, perhaps, a search of personal accomplishment, by means of the action. Its instinct of survival can have been co-ordinated for the will to finish with the malaise that the misery human being brings I obtain, not only for goodness and the igualitrio ideal, but also for the possibility to reach the proper happiness, at the moment where its life would not have been mediocre and yes full of humanitarian made accomplishments and. What it could explain the experience of as much suffering and privation seno the search for its proper fullness? Olga tried to live to the edge of the society of its time, being searched a singular way to act in favor of its beliefs. It believed and it fought with determination and ousadia, for a change in the society and, porventura, for a change in same itself.