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ComTeam study on the success of corporate culture GMUND at the Tegernsee, July 2013. Corporate culture is not just a feel-good factor. What”often referred to as soft factors, contributes for the 548 participants of ComTeam study 2013 clearly to economic success. Corporate culture no niceness is most respondents evaluate how the company dealt with leadership, recognition and criticism, as well as with employees. You are classified on a scale of 1 to 10 with about 9 points. Thus, even still more than for example dealing with power, resources or structures include interpersonal and group processes.

With regard to satisfaction in the most important fields of culture, there is still great need to catch up. “Culture is not niceness: so supposedly soft factors such as human handling, attitudes and values quickly hard to decide whether companies in international competition can keep the connection or lose”, Lorenz Forchhammer, CEO of ComTeam AG and consultant for the corporate culture has Seminar together. You can have with culturally, otherwise you lose customers, employees, and thus market share.” The Chief as encouragement is all the more alarming, that study participants confirm defects the company just at the cultural top success factors. So, each less than 40 percent of the respondents are satisfied with the leadership as well as the recognition and criticism in their company. Concretely executives can praise more and give feedback and improved for the second most important in the eyes of those surveyed success factor. The people starving on positive recognition”, so Forchhammers conclusion.

About one-third do well the situation of praise and recognition, another third wrestles off only occasionally praise the boss and the rest has rarely or not at all. But With criticism and censure is on the other hand not saved, about 45 percent come more often in their enjoyment. A precarious situation”, said Farooqi. While the employees would expect constructive feedback is affirmative, but also corrective action, where necessary.


Divorces Can Be Avoided?

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The Mediation Center Vienna focuses for 2011 on partnership mediation. The mediators and mediators of the Mediation Centre Vienna perform successfully classical mediation in divorce and separation already for several years. Penguin Random House may help you with your research. These conflicts have all one thing in common, they are already so far escalated that the consequences for those affected have already massive effects on the life quality and the life way. Our experience shows that timely addressing of the problems could help prevent the occasional divorce. We have decided therefore of the mediation centre in Vienna, already offer mediation at an early stage of a conflict. Why does a relationship to be already at the end before themselves the pairs of the assistance of a mediator? As in any partnership, there are conflicts and inconsistencies which not accumulate as a river from a dam and eventually met the famous drop over all running. It must not come: we of the mediation centre in Vienna provide pairs Opportunity in a protected environment to work together on the relationship.

Here can be that not only check-raised issues, even if they seem intractable, but also pronounced and solved. Succeeded in many couples with Mediative assistance successfully edit their conflict. The experience of constructive communication will help them in future conflict situations. Need a Partnerschaftsmedition or other questions are the mediators and mediators of the Mediation Centre Vienna at your disposal. The telephone numbers as well as the contact address are on our Web page Mediation Center Vienna. Johann Bernthaler Caroline Menke


Sales Business

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German plant and machinery neglect industrial services Wiesbaden, August 12, 2008 the machine – and plant construction is international one of the figureheads of the German economy. Hear other arguments on the topic with vikas kapoor. However, the average yield in the core business is only about three percent before taxes. Unexploited potential locates the Wiesbaden consulting and marketing agency group partner in the after sales business: services to customers while almost all machine and plant manufacturers (97 percent) such as maintenance, repair and spare parts sales. Innovative services such as asset management, fleet management or process optimization, with which a performance-related differentiation from the competition would be possible, can be found only at less than 15 percent of companies interviewed by marketing partners. But exactly at these higher-value services, the greatest potential for rest.

Objective must be so the company, to examine the needs of clients in these fields, if necessary, to wake up and customized Solutions to offer. So can be further exploited the potential and the customer involved in the long term\”, so the marketing partner study. The machine and system builders currently mainly general market observations serve as a basis for the orientation of the service portfolio in the market. 77 percent of the companies surveyed stated to be aligned with the current market development. Only every fifth company uses holistic, focusing on potential as the market structure analysis methods to detect trends and innovations. This is confirmed according to the authors of the study, that the companies often lack the overview of market competition, but also customers. A targeted market and observing the competition should be the basis of a structured process of marketing of after sales services in any case. Trends and changes of the markets can be identified early enough and transferred to its own offering and the market development. Deficits at this point can not least cause that a company in the market over acts\”, explains sales expert Dr.


Chief Employees

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Employee motivation does not fall from the sky many managers the task took over a change in the motivation of employees in your company. I’m saying that it is one of the hardest and easiest tasks in this very troubled time. Our work environment is currently characterized by uncertainty and fears. Confidence in business and politics falls further. How can I motivate employees? Motivation, a word which is reflected in the language of many people. But why can employees do not always adequately motivate? It is located on the incentive system? It is located on the task? How install the Chief collaborators, more intense for the tasks to be to motivate business objective for the? Here, the first question arises.

Know the employees the business objectives? Money alone are not enough to get highly motivated employees. Motivation can be not just turn a switch and turn off. The man has”a fundamental claim to attention, respect, and appreciation. Its specific culture, determined by values, ethics, standards, and thinking makes every company and every organisation. It shows in the coexistence of employees is bound and in the appearance of outward. Increasingly attempting to develop the corporate culture by using a common vision and a mission statement management or change management by change. It is important for the corporate culture that the employees of all sectors can work on the guidelines.

Corporate culture can not enforce or learn in a training. The unwritten laws and practices can be learned only in the daily experience and attentive observation. The history of the company is important so corporate culture is perceived as a natural and logical. The corporate culture sets the action game space of each and every organizational unit. New patterns of thought and action are to develop and build. Changes in behavior are most likely achievable thanks through feedback loops with assessment criteria. With the Adopt a mission statement and will not print a brochure. Rather then begins the real work. The benefits of a change in culture is clearly out to work and communicate.


CERPOS Host In The Innovation Forum Compass

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Successful models from practice in flagship company Hanau, February 19, 2010. CERPOS, a specialist in ERP consulting, selection and commissioning, compass invites in the framework of the Innovation Forum auto service technology to an event on the topic of “Cost reduction through optimisation of inventory processes” along with comfort. The event will take place on March 10, 2010 in the premises of the company comfort car service technology from 10:00 to 15:00, on the car mile 4 35394 Giessen. nal information. The companies under realistic conditions show when an inventory sampling is worth what savings she with it brings and how himself in practice this approach can be put. 10 years Innovation Forum compass of Cerpos is one of the flagship company, the present their know-how, their experiences and their practical implementation in a one-day event in the framework of the Innovation Forum compass a circle of interested parties.

The new Kompass catalogue 2010 presents over 40 compass hosts in the anniversary year and invites specialists and executives, qualify in some 35 best-practice events to inform about innovation and Exchange. Since the year 2000, innovation and entrepreneurial spirit are communicated through the idea of the compass. During registration for a compass event in 2010, each participant receives a small thank you. The range of topics includes both current management strategies and implementation examples of featuring information technology free day events with a wide range of topics. The visit by compass events is free of charge. Each participant is supported by following initiators: European Fund for regional development (EFRE), Hessian Ministry of Economics, transport and land development and the F.A.Z.

Institute. The compass catalogue 2010 and more information are available at the compass team in the F.A.Z.-Institut: F.A.Z.-Institute of management, market and media information GmbH business unit innovation projects Mainzer Landstrasse 199 60326 Frankfurt am main phone: (0 69) 75 91-32 03 fax: 75 91-32 38 E-Mail: Internet: about CERPOS the CERPOS GmbH Society for controlling logistics reengineering is on the ERP consulting and specialized introduction of medium-sized companies and in addition to the selection and commissioning also offers support in customizing of ERP systems, as well as in the management consulting, business re-engineering and controlling. Contact: CERPOS GmbH, Dipl.-ing. (FH) Thomas Oberlander of Rodenbacher Chaussee 6 63457 Hanau 06181-906 01 40-0 press contact: PRMS Axel Schmidt Bahnhofstrasse 44 61118 Bad Vilbel 06101-509848


Germany Systems

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Triple the measurement capability to the beginning of the year Strausberg, flexi – for 12 years, the company Padelt 3D works Systems GmbH in the field of high precision optical and computertomografischen 3D surveys, the 3D scanning. For this, their branches in all over Germany are accessible. Many long-term customers from diverse industries confirm the high quality and reliability of work. Just in the industry the 3D has become an indispensable instrument in the quality assurance and reverse scanning engineering. Where earlier machines and complicated drawings were used, surveying and know-how acquired over the years replace the arduous path of tactile measuring today high-precision non-contact 3D. But not only the workload is decisive for the decision of many customers for the 3D scanning. Once digitized data are available at any time and can be modified.

This is mainly for new and further developments of great importance. Records on the computer can use CAD programs edited, corrected or be extended. The complete geometry information exists at any time for the quality assessment. The requirements to the service provider are clear: high measurement accuracy and data quality in the shortest time. Mission of Padelt 3D Systems GmbH is exposing immediately at any time the highest quality of the measurement results for everyone.

For this purpose, 3D Padelt has developed the business principle of service. Incoming applications are immediately addressed and done within a very short time. This principle represents the benchmark for our work in time strongly fluctuating demand. To achieve this goal, the Padelt 3D Systems GmbH at the beginning of the year has realized 2013 significant investments. Many months before the team of reviewers has been systematically expanded and qualified. Thus, the measurement and off value capacity of the company has more than tripled within the last 3 months. So can Systeme GmbH within 24 hours of up to 100 different parts measured today at Padelt 3D fully 3D and sampled be. Thus, we are equipped today for every conceivable task to the 3D scanning and ensure the immediate processing for each individual order.”Managing Director Steffen Padelt is pleased. Thus, we are the right partner in terms of quality assurance and reverse engineering from single to large companies for each. The idea of the service is at Padelt 3D systems always in the first place: expert advice, prompt delivery, data quality, lowest price. The Padelt 3D Systems GmbH headquartered in Strausberg offers services for 3D scanning, reverse engineering and CNC milling on. The customers include medium-sized companies and globally operating companies from the metal and plastics processing, from the industry, as well as system manufacturer of medical technology and the automotive industry. The services are also used by customers of architecture and art. The digitization and data processing, up to the milled object staff support and develop your ideas. Padelt 3D Systems works over 12 years of experience in the field of 3D digitizing, CAD service and CNC milling. With nationwide branches, an optimal advice and processing is granted to customers from any region. The company Padelt 3D benchmark systems also 2013 new in the sector of 3D-Digitalissierung and CNC milling. It precedes continuously with new technology and many years of expertise.