Tiger Eye

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The famous rock as the Eye of the Tiger makes us recall to mind in the forms of the tiger. Pacienzudo, oriented, fixed, ready, with time appropriate and slow and deliberate actions. The Eye of tiger seeds the balance and the power to secure the things that we considered through the thorny periods of the life. Calm the doubt and grants clarity. The Eye of tiger is in addition a great rock for the visualization and the declaration. Instructions the Eye of tiger can be used for a spell of easy money.

It enables to several of Eyes of Tiger with his necessity of money. salos to surround a green candle, ignite the candle and visualize. The Eye of tiger can help it to see in its past lives. Watching the stone, it calms your mind and it sees in the light sparkles. The Eye of tiger gives all reasons for presence immediately. He is very useful for the people with ADD/ADHD, bipolar upheaval and any other tendency to oscillate from an end to another one. The Eye of tiger is an excellent stone for the digestion.

If you are having digestion problems, it maintains the eyes of a tiger in a water glass and enjoys of her throughout the day. Even advice and warnings Tenga of tiger eyes, with malachite, smoked, citrino topaz and amethyst. Trate to combine these minerals in bracelets or necklaces. Combine the pieces in a stock market to take, or simply mtalos in the pocket. Some people are more sensible to the energy of the mineral. She sees his reactions when she is used these stones. If you feel anxiety or restlessness, or other physical symptoms, such as nauseas, is possible that it wishes to reduce its exhibition. If you are sensible, tries to use only loose stones, and noncombinations.