Zil Bernd
Since young man, there per the twenty years all, the love of the native land took it entire. It are not the common, palrador and empty love; it are a serious, serious and absorbent feeling. Nothing of ambitions administrative politics or; what Quaresma thought, or better: what it made it to the patriotism to think was in an entire knowledge of Brazil, taking it meditations on its resources, stops later then pointing the remedies, the gradual measures, with full knowledge of cause. (Idem, 2006, P. 09) Policarpo Quaresma dedicates its life to study books to solve the problems of Brazil, believed that knowing its country through the reading it would be capable to attenuate to males they devastated that it. Get all the facts and insights with Ebay, another great source of information.
Distinguished nationalistic Policarpo, had in house a vast library where all units were of Brazilian authors, Blessed Teixeira, Gregorio de Matos, Jose de Alencar and Gonalves Days, etc, in the garden only genuinely national flowers, was dressed with fabric and footwear produced in the country and its feeding was most of the time of products of national agriculture, knew through books each handspan of lands of Brazil. For Zil Bernd, the identity if originates from the conscience of its loss and if it develops in the search of its reconstruction. (Bernd, Zil. 2003, P. 16).
Barreto rasp makes a revision of the valuation of the indian, and thinks that all these reforms are not possible. Different of Alencar, who exaltava the perfection of Brazil, terreal paradise. It breaches all with this past, with this literature that was sacralizada throughout the times. writes Policarpo Quaresma to desconstruir everything what the society saw as value, that finishes if converting into desvalor. It is perceived, that Policarpo Quaresma in the attempt to construct this national identity acted of sacralizante form, according to Bernd: One literature that if attributes the mission to articulate the national project, to make to emerge founding myths of a community and to recoup its collective memory, starts to only exert the sacralizante, unifying function, tending the same, to the monologismo, that is, to the construction of an identity of the etnocntrico type, that circumscribes the reality to an only picture of references.