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DP07 Marine Launches Kick-off For The 10 Year Anniversary

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10 years DP07 marine radio with Captain Dietzel and the “big conference in Borkum until Bornholm” since April 2000 offers DPo7 marine radio as a private, independent and entrepreneur – owned service company water sportsmen on the German coast one very special all-around service. Also in this season, again classical music in the marine radio ether, on the working channels of the now 11 coastal radio stations by DPo7 hear marine radio, announcing the broadcast 5 times daily, detailed Lake weather report with the big conference call of Borkum to Bornholm. This show has achieved cult status and boats for nearly 10 years not only German belongs to the everyday life on board. This broadcast is successful and known by every good recreational boaters because DPo7 marine radio with this service offers a vibrant information service, which is probably unique. People on the radio sit here and due to the ingenious activation technology of broadcast stations, all of the management reports of the skipper/innen in the large conference participate in from Borkum-Bornholm”. DPo7 marine radio thus offers the single weather report you may disagree with and even to just a weather living.” Captain Reiner Dietzel starts with this season kicks off its 10-year anniversary on April 1, 2010 the DPo7 want to take marine radio 10 000 customers in the new year in a further development. Target marine is the doubling of the existing customer base for the next 10 years at DPo7. Hence from now till 01.10.2010 customers advertise big promotion customers”.

10 per enrolled new customers and the automatic entry at the anniversary special raffle on October 10, 2010 at 10:10 (Grand Prize a water sports equipment to the value of 1,000 euros), the captain promises each successful recruiter for the cult show on North and Baltic Sea. White Captain Dietzel from tradition, his customer is still his best seller and this would DPo7 marine radio this season closer to assist. DPo7 sees itself as a service provider, and aware of the importance of the personal contact. The team around the sympathetic Captain with the distinctive voice will be therefore present on-site in the harbours and marinas of his listeners. Radio and particularly the care and services through people on the radio, via land – sea, will be indispensable in the future. All equipment on board and the 1 to 1 communication with mobile or INMARSAT not enough known, to ensure a communication safe especially in case of emergency with the country! Therefore obtains DPo7 the coast radio operation marine radio with knowledgeable radio alive and will expand it even further. DPo7 marine radio is a privately owned company by the sole proprietor of Captain Reiner Dietzel, who after the closure of the parastatal coast radio stations of Telecom at 31 December 1998 (Norddeich radio), receives the German coast radio stations alive and is expanding. DP07 reached 45,000 maritime authorities reported to the Federal Network Agency on German boats.