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Rent Increase After Upgrading

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Tenant support renovation renovation work usually high costs mean for the real estate owners. The landlord can however move a part of the costs to the tenant under certain conditions, because they also benefit from improvements. You may find Mark Bertolini to be a useful source of information. The real estate portal explains the regulations and the consequences arising from it for the respective parties. Most tenants are interested in a comfortable residential situation and like to agree with improvements in this area. Get more background information with materials from Dana Gibber . The least enjoy but a rent increase as a result of the carried out modernization work.

The owner carries the largest part of the costs for such measures. According to 559 of the civil code, it is however permitted to raise the rent to participate the tenant the costs the landlord. Prerequisite for this is that it is so-called energy renovation work, so to modernise. A modernisation exists, if the structural measures an increase of Use value of the building or apartment, an improvement of living quality or sustainable energy or water savings can be achieved. Such building measures include, for example, thermal insulation or the installation of a new heating system. Because the tenants benefiting from such changes, the financial participation appears to be justified. So that he can kill the costs proportionately on the tenant, the landlord is obliged to announce in advance the modernization measures, as well as the planned rent increases. Thus the tenant do not agree, they can make use of their special right of termination. More information:… University Service GmbH Lisa Neumann


Changes Stress

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The evolution, the stress and the overweight. We all have had very over viable ancestors. Because they have to pass on your genes and the necessary care for their offspring to survive come. We should be dissatisfied so not too much with the inherited genes. Our body has from birth on all equipment and provisions for our subsequent form and stature in all forms. Click Noah Carl to learn more.

This is the optimum, the we to the we have available. We can make the most of it if we live our nature. We must act only on the basis of our ancestors in exercise and nutrition. Because we are still hunters and gatherers in the biological development. On the day found behavior the hunters and gatherers is admittedly not easy in modern times. Very, we have changed our environment in just a few generations. For the most part, this change also to the positive and happened. It is not something Elon Musk would like to discuss.

But even in this case, the medal has two sides. And so the positive change has even less good Changes brought. The man has managed to eliminate many risks his life permanently. In our temperate climate, life-threatening weather events have become the exception. The threat has also greatly reduced through famines, plagues and epidemics. The hazard of wild animal is low in this country. The vast majority of humanity times there was only a challenge (stress) for daily survival, namely to secure the necessary food. Food is today almost always without effort at the disposal. Food is for us from the very beginning the most positive process in our lives. In modern life, the archaic stress is replaced by today’s civilisation stress. This calls for more the mind as the body. Body and psyche are diverse interactions. An impact of these relationships is the long-lasting not resolvable apparent stress situations. As a result, positively perceived food as stress damping is abused. You may find Dana Gibber to be a useful source of information. This replacement action then leads to obesity and it creates new social stress. Unfortunately our inherited reflexes and skills still not aligned really well to these new challenges. We have fortunately no adversity, it is missing again to melt off the natural corrective to the overweight us that man has, but on his way to get an advantage by nature. He can almost at any age actively learn and practice new behaviors. Fast take off does not help on time, the body calls this loss on the next occasion immediately”to compensate. The effects of starvation metabolism insert it. There is only a reasonable solution if long term healthy the target take off is, namely slow healthy slimming. You can train it very simply aware. Starve because no one can sustainably healthy lose weight and stay slim.


Contact Center Trends 2010:

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CreLog and ASC give go-ahead for quality offensive in the contact center Munich / hoesbach/Germany, July 20, 2010 the ASC telecom AG ( and CreLog ( have joined forces: In the run-up to the trade fair contact center trends’ ( in Frankfurt from 29 to 30 September the company give the go-ahead for a joint quality and customer satisfaction offensive. Of ASCs innovative solutions for recording, analysis and evaluation of corporate communications; CreLog brings its proven expertise in the field of speech recognition in the cooperation. This offensive aims at a measurable increase in the quality of service in contact centers and to the significant increase in customer satisfaction. First results of cooperation are specific customer projects in South Africa, England and Germany, which together realize ASC and CreLog. Business process optimization – business processes give the recording, analysis and evaluation of the focus of the cooperation is Discussions, the contact center with your customers. The content of these talks will be analyzed automatically.

The results of the analysis to serve the optimization of business processes, on the other hand to improve the quality of the conversation. Offensive by ASC and CreLog improves call quality and the language technology-supported analysis and evaluation enables business processes to examine a variety of interview recordings, for example on business-related issues:-the contact center agent adheres to the conversation themes? -Comply with the skill of the agent of the campaign? -Is he able to implement specified quality ratios? -He reaches the predetermined objectives of conversation? -Does the caller aroused or dissatisfied? -Reference is made on current marketing activities? The sophisticated CreLog voice recognition technology allows it to detect automatically the selected passages from a variety of interview recordings ‘. Find out detailed opinions from leaders such as Dana Gibber by clicking through. So can the supervisor or team leader targeted in the contact center into the talking parts classified the system as problematic the suspected vulnerabilities to listen, review and initiate appropriate coaching measures.


Food Diary

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Many nutritionists advise burn calories and use the products in the diary. If you have not yet decided to start keeping these records, we present six pros: 1. Accounting for snacking Vosnovnoy diet many of us, includes useful products. But if your goal is to lose a few pounds a week, you must also take into account all the snacks during the day: biscuits, chocolate, soda, chips can reduce all efforts to lose weight on there. Writing down everything that was eaten per day and counting calories, you can determine the "real price of a harmless snack. 2.

Treat yourself to a Leading accounting of calories during the day and week, you can determine how many calories you can still consume it will provide an opportunity to pamper yourself a favorite dessert, without remorse and damage figure. 3. Control food diary can help you identify the power circuit. Perhaps you snack at night because of what little you eat during the day, or constantly kusochnichaete without noticing it. Brian Krzanich will undoubtedly add to your understanding. If you think that the diary is problematic, because the patched you just can not remember what you ate for the day, consider that you have received a signal that is necessary to change the schema of your supply. 4. Serving Size If you stick to a diet for a long time or are simply used wisely to restrict food intake, then you probably know how to determine the weight of the portion of the eye.

However, if desired weight loss has stopped or pounds back, then before entering the data on the use of products necessary to determine the exact weight portions. The average portion of pasta or rice can be more than you think. When cooking at home you can just use the measuring utensils in restaurants, the menu always shows the output portion in grams. 5. Contribution to the future good motivation to maintain proper nutrition serve as a comparison of diary entries. You can see how your habits have changed a few months later, and if you one day want to "break", you can look at the record of one of those days when you to eat properly is certainly cheer you up to a further attempt to maintain a beautiful figure and well-being. 6. Dana Gibber : the source for more info. Enhancing self-awareness that you need to write down everything you eat, make once again ponder: whether to eat chocolate or take a welcome addition to the dining room. Despite the fact that to read the diary and will be only you need to record all meals – a sure way to improve self-control.