
You must do something quickly and decisively. SECRETARY: (Are you watching the press) The mayor's image is deteriorating by the minute. (The mayor, head down, rested his forehead on his hands with his elbows on the table). We slowed as possible to the newspapers, but always leaves something escapes them a comment. And then it spreads like a rumor around town. And Mr. W encouraged to come out negative of municipal and invents stories and pays for us poisoned groups.

NAPLES: What I can do, my god?. (See pleading to Mr. V.) Mr. V. : Stay calm. You have to act without precipitating. Now the other day stuck your leg.

(Napoli looks at him with wide eyes) Yes, do not look well. A group of zarapastrosos are made to recite poems in the middle of a full and (interrupts Napoli) Naples: A disrespect to me and what represent!. AY to what I am!, AEL mayor!. complied to impose my authority! SECRETARY: They interrupted the session. NAPLES: Yes, yes. I was not allowed to speak. Mr. V. : You gave a picture of insecurity, fear, panic, insensitive, stupid. " Caiste into the trap!. Any decision you make has to appear to be for the people. NAPLES: And I did. Mr. V. : a The decision was well taken. Operate the city, but at the beginning of the protests had to have waited a while until he got tired. The populace does not understand the decisions of the leader. Which take advantage of the radical groups to demagoguery.