Economic Zoning
The trend current of the proposals of action of the Government it has been that the territory assumes a protagonism each bigger time, to the side of the expectation of the ingression of new territorial subjects in the national agenda of debates and the agenda of the National Congress. In the reality, it is evidenced that a space exists to be busy and that would adjust to the Programs of the Political parties well, who, although its relevance, remains empty. This space is the formed one for the territory, whose dimension still was not apprehended in all its extension and depth. The relevance is each more well-known time that the territorial questions and subjects come assuming. the Political party who to assume the flag of ‘ ‘ territrio’ ‘ , exciting pioneering the quarrel on this subject already, now, it will be located advantageously in the national quarrels.
‘ can be said that the majority of the Political parties already militates, in way; ‘ tangencial’ ‘ , in the area ‘ ‘ territorial’ ‘. The half-environment meets in the center of the militancy of innumerable Political parties, independently of its respective ideological positions. Much even so, subject ambient presents forts interlacements with questions territorial, as it is the case of the Ecological-Economic Zoning that, much times, Order is inadvertently confused with Territorial, and although interfaces to present indissolvable between itself, not are same thing (for reasons that does not fit to approach here), having each one of them a proper and exclusive object..