In Saarbrucken, The Lions Are Going On!
At the Jan presents the MTP marketing between theory and practice e.V. in Saarbrucken in cooperation with MINI and WerbeWeischer ‘ Cannes role ‘. Saarbrucken, Jan – Saarbrucken has already experience with Lions in the city. Who does not remember the sculpture Lions who populated the whole town artfully decorated in an art project. But Saarbrucken also has experience with lions on the canvas?Just as the Oscar in Hollywood is the largest award for feature films, they’re like lions Cannes”the biggest prize for commercials. “Each year in the Cote d’Azur at the Cannes Lions International Advertising Festival” the best commercials of the world voted and awarded the gold, silver and bronze lions. Then, the winner spots have role in the legendary Cannes”arrested. And exactly this is the MTP – marketing between theory and practice e.V.
exclusively with MINI and WerbeWeischer in Saarbrucken on the Leinwand.Unter the motto create your thinking young, modern, dynamic, elegant, creative”all advertising and location are invited to the Jan on the campus of the University of Saarland to a cinematic experience of a special kind. The MTP e.V. together with MINI and WerbeWeischer at 19:00 in the Gunter Hotz Lecture Hall (building E2 2) the University to a memorable Event.Mit a greeting of Prof. Dr. Andrea Garcia-Klein, owner of the Chair of business administration, is located in a stylish ambience with red carpet, champagne reception and photographers in particular. We start marketing in the evening. Let yourself be inspired and experience advertising time from another page. There are the tickets to the event from the 09.01 17.01.2012 already for 4.50 euros every day from 11:00 14:00 in the cafeteria of the University, and from 10:00 16:00 in the Lecture Hall, as well as to the Student Council. Tickets at the box office are available for 6.00 euro. Julia everything