Institute Insurance
56% Of applicants under 50 and only 13 percent were older than 60 years. This refuted all skeptics have suspected that the new offer only for the old and the infirm is attractive, because it, unlike usual, forego health checks and appropriate risk premiums. On the subject of care still seems a high need for advice to insist, as evidenced by a recent study by the German health insurance (SDK). The SDK allowed for the study survey 1,000 citizens. Thus, half of the citizens doesn’t even know the care-Bahr. 70 Percent of Germans also admit to have no idea whether a long-term care well enough covered they. The vast majority (78 percent) is aware that they must privately provide care case, because there is too little money from the State in the event of an emergency. Many citizens still shy to complete a nursing insurance.
Any third party holds such additional protection for unimportant. 60 Percent of those polled by the SDK indicated they felt ill-informed. Support this image completes Institute of management and economics, stating that although every second German fears a care case to later, yet only 16 percent of the surveyed Germans indicated that a private care insurance by the representative study ‘business potential in the long-term care insurance”of the IMWF to have. For consultants, there is to do here so much. Finally the care-Bahr has police”advantages and disadvantages which must be weighed well considered against each other: consumer watchdogs have discussed already in detail by care Bahr in the first months of purpose.
Some State requirements arrived very well, such as for example the possibility to temporarily rest the insurance in case of an emergency, for example, if a policyholder working lots money refers to II. Is seen as positive, that the insurance for all adult non-dependent Citizens and make for the majority of people in this country accessible – by the obligation no policyholder should be rejected. Consumer protection, for example, of the given services for people with dementia in the lower levels of care is less enthusiastic. Dementia (care level 0) benefits are often significantly lower than in tariffs without allowance according to the Stiftung Warentest in same post. Also it has been already speculated whether for healthy people in private are possibly more lucrative, because care Bahr tariffs include also high-risk citizens, which would not be the usual purely private care insurance health check. For this higher overall risk for the insurers to pay for experts with all insured persons. Also low-income earners can drench no great benefit from care-Bahr in case of care, because their services on the basic service will be deducted. A low income earners also announces its care Bahr police contributions paid until then are gone.