Noel Mcinnis
Discomfort, not feeling at ease with ourselves probably is something that many of us started in the classroom. Investigations conducted with feedback demonstrate the correlation between the memory of a fraught situation of tension and excitement that manifests itself in the body. Is when the subjects are subject to feedback suggests them that they evoke memories of the school year, the device registers an immediate alarm, in a workshop organized by the Association of parents and teachers where all adults, those who had been asked to write their memories of some school incident, described a negative or traumatic event. Many adults described nightmares of being back at school, being late to class or have ceased to do homework. You can say that most of us has a considerable number of pending with regard to the College, possibly that residue of anxiety still intimidating for some corner of consciousness, and it may be us preventing forever face new challenges and learn new things.
It is possible that our school authoritarian, always attentive to the results, inducing fear and permanently pendant watch. You have helped us settle into our favorite disease, not be repressed all spontaneous expression of anger, grief, frustration, not be incites us to compete, to strive, to fear the tardiness or failure to sew them in time. Noel Mcinnis, an educator interested in the physical environment of learning, thus describes the process. For twelve years we border the child’s body to a limited territory, their energy to your limited activity, your senses to a limited stimulation, their sociability to a limited number of classmates and your mind to a limited experience of the world that surrounds him. That is what just learning and does what he likes? Why our schools have a routine habit? punish and limit young people? Maybe because the school as we know it, was designed long before that you would have less understanding of the human brain and to a society that makes long time that ceased to exist.