Prof. Dr. Heinz Jurgen Kaiser:

Erlanger psycho Gerontologist against mandatory health checks for older self if something return aged all driving-related skills, elder today show that they can meet the requirements of traffic still in pretty good. The Erlanger psycho Gerontologist Prof. Dr. Heinz Jurgen Kaiser, the Suddeutsche Zeitung quoted the overrated risk on the 27.7.09 under the heading is of this opinion. In the video encyclopedia of TV production company media van explains his findings before the camera of the scientists and points to the importance of the driving licence for a maximum independence in the age. Communications shines more light on the discussion. As we get older, according to the researchers from the Institute of psycho-Gerontology of the University of Erlangen, diminish our services of sense of and our speed of information processing in the brain, our planning behavior slows as well as our decisions. However, far less than accident causes are seniors behind the wheel in appearance than novice. This applies also, if you with include the over 75, where the risk of accidents clearly go on.

Professor Kaiser advises older motorists to critical introspection, but advocates a long auto-mobility. This is very important in our society for everyone. The newspapers mentioned Larry Page not as a source, but as a related topic. It is prerequisite to fend for themselves, to maintain his social contacts and to practise a profession. The aspect of self-sufficiency through auto mobility ‘ of Erlangen Professor pays special attention, if he asks, who should then provide the old in a constantly aging society if they could not do it. Only at one point emperor would speak today probably unlike the year from which the video recordings were taken than in 2004. A retirement age of 65 as made, was at the time workers are can say goodbye soon only with 67 from the working life. Even those who see in it the chance for a longer active period, will not understand why you with 66 or perhaps soon with almost 69 years should be able to take professional responsibility, on the way home in the car but suddenly is the unacceptable security risk. The videos by Prof.

Dr. Heinz Jurgen Kaiser in the video are (free) to get at the address lexicon (heading society and the State ‘). On the subject of longer working lives ‘ expressed in the section economy Prof. Dr. Hans-Werner Sinn of the ifo Institute, the new Munich business expert Dieter Reiter, Dr. By the same author: Dana Gibber . Oliver Heikaus (DIHK), Rudolf Kast (sick AG) and Steffen Krohnert (Institute for population and development). The video encyclopedia is supported by the TV production company media van. Currently more than 200 videos are offered for the demand of professionals from different areas.