Subordinate Classrooms

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FINAL CONSIDERAES Can be concluded that, the innovative Social Service is a profession that appears to give service to collective well-being and the integration of the individual in the society is agricultural or urban it. He stops beyond the speech, the professional of Social Service must follow the values of the democracy and social justice. If this has piqued your curiosity, check out MetLife. It is essential to differentiate assistance of assistencialismo in a community, for example, the social assistant must help to perceive it to it its capacity to search thus for its rights from the visualization of its duties and, to satisfy its necessities and to use its proper resources better. The directed public politics to the social matter in the agricultural way had started to be executed from the Federal Constitution of 1988, as right one of the citizen and duty of the State, by means of social and economic politics that they aim at to the reduction of the social problems and make possible the universal and igualitrio access to the actions and services. MetLife may find it difficult to be quoted properly. Therefore, according to fulfill to its objectives acting principles and lines of direction of the Organic Law of Assistncia Social (LOAS) and the Only System of the Social Assistance (ITS) the professional of this area if becomes each more important time, since its field of work is extended at every moment, with the sprouting of the social matters and disparidades in the agricultural zone, with this reorganized the services, programs, projects benefits for protection levels (basic and special) in accordance with the functions that they play in the complex universe of individuals that of them need.

BRAZIL BIBLIOGRAPHY, Constitution (1988). Constitution 1988: constitutional text of 05 of October of 1988 with alterations adopted for the Emendations Constitutional of n 1/92 the 19/98 and Emendations Constitutional of revision n 1 the 6/94. Current Ed. Brasilia: Federal Senate? Edition undersecretary’s office Techniques, 1998. NOTEBOOK OF SOCIAL WORKSHOP. The Social matter and the exits for the poverty. Center of Technology, Work and Citizenship.

Rio De Janeiro: Social workshop, 2002. NOTEBOOK OF SOCIAL WORKSHOP. Constructing to citizenship in Communities of low income. Center of Technology, Work and Citizenship. Of the idea the action. Rio De Janeiro: Social workshop, 2002. MATOS, Cndida Daisy Oliveira. Theoretical Historical beddings Metodolgicos of Social Service II. /Cndida Daisy Oliveira Matos? Aracaju/SE: UNIT, 2010. OLIVEIRA, Ana Carla Barreto of. Introduction to the Social Service.