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Espirito Santo

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Therefore the Church is so deceased, so without moving (the blow of the wind is not felt), without its candy presence, authority. To be ' ' Pentecostal' ' it is to believe in the Power of God through its Spirit, is to accept supernatural of God acting in the church and in the life of the believers, it is the belief in the influence and until possession of malignant espritos and to exert the authority to order them even so. It is the belief in dons that it was given to the disciples in the day of Pentecoste as the authority to reprehend these demons and banishes them. It is to have discernment of Spirit. It is to hear the voice of our God in our heart, is to feel its direction. This is to be ' ' Pentecostal' '. To be Pentecostal is to feel the manifestation of the power of GOD in our lives.

It is to be able to say and to have the certainty of that we are children of God It is to be proven for the fire and purificado This fire if calls Espirito Santo, the GREAT POWER! The true full pentecostal of the Espirito Santo has sanctity, has authority and has to be able. It is pursued by ' ' saulos' ' , and believers ' ' icebergs' ' , that they do not believe the power of God and its manifestation through the Espirito Santo. To put the Escritura Saint says that: God is the same yesterday, today and will be perpetual. Therefore what It made in the past, also makes today, that is, it continues if revealing strong in the way the ones that they love to it, they obey and they believe to it its power. Therefore without the faith and sanctification, it is impossible to receive the power from high skies! Not! I could not say for the shepherd these things, speech of my real beliefs duly warned to scandalize it and of it to start to see me as sent of the Satan.