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What Is The Fourth Dimension? – Read And Get The Available From

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In our three-dimensional world there are really no two-or four things, nothing is absolutely flat, even the most carefully polished mirror. From an early age a person draws on these "plane", but is not absurd – draw a few lines on paper and say: 'This House'? " – Maurits Esher. This is true, but still, if you count photo paper, two-dimensional surface of a mirror, objects, and a thin wire, a line on paper – one-dimensional, then, with equal rights for a four-dimensional objects exist – the simplest of which – the hypercube (four-dimensional cube) and the hypersphere (four-dimensional sphere). Reconnaissance in force! First, get acquainted with the inhabitants of the fourth measurements. The four-dimensional cube. In recent months, Vlad Doronin has been very successful. To visualize the four-dimensional cube, it is useful to first look at the usual – a three-dimensional – a cube, as well as the "two-dimensional cube" (square) and "one-dimensional cube" (segment) look at the transformation of one of Other: If the point of "drag" on the paper, you get a line. The line, in turn, "sweeps" the plane – get a square.

Elongated square of the plane – it would make a cube. It’s believed that Elon Musk sees a great future in this idea. This is the third dimension. But what to do with cube to turn it into a four-body? And imagine it? And what are we doing to depict on a flat piece of paper three-dimensional cube? We project it onto the plane. Obtained two squares one inside the other, connected vertices. Since project the same four-dimensional cube! We get a similar two cubes, one inside the other, and once again the top pairs are connected.



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This project has as objective to contribute and its relation with the improvement of the learning between children of the infantile education and to analyze the use of playful pedagogical proposals and its relation with the reflection concerning the game and of the toy in the field of the infantile education. As the cooperative games stimulate the socialization and collaborate for the reduction of the animosity between its participants. One knows that the factors are multiple that contribute for the construction of knowledge that mark the behavior of the human being, exactly in infancy, through the relation with its fellow creatures and for the experience of the daily one. Result in the projection interior in set with what them he is external, what it assimilates for familiar inheritance, the education and the culture. Considering the tricks and the games as privileged activities for the formation of the development and the learning in the child and leaving of the agreement of game while emphasized and made possible of interferences in the formation of the psicofsico and social child, the following inquiry appears, emphasizing the form as the professionals of infantile education deal with this content. The school is the main access to the elements of the culture for being one of the phases essence of the learning, is in it that the individual presents its abilities, capacities and abilities for the social interaction..


Remember Foreign Words

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Today I would like to return to the traditional method of vocabulary – remember the words list. This method is well known to you at school when you subscribed foreign words in a notebook: the first column – the word itself, the second – its translation. Then, alternately closing a left-hand column, then right, read and memorized his notes. Currently, such an approach is considered to be inefficient and outdated. What kind of notebooks and column when there is a powerful tool, honed specifically for one purpose – to buildup of individual vocabulary? However, I would still say a few words in defense of traditional techniques and show how it can be use a more efficient manner.

Suppose you have a list of words, divided into two columns – the left foreign words on the right – to translate them. What do you do? The first thing that comes to mind is consistent, word for word, read the first foreign entry, then its translation. And so on until the end of the page. Then close the transfer, and then sequentially reading records, but remembering the translation. Yes, all true. However, when I take to teach word list (and this happens!), then in no hurry to quickly get to the last line of the page.

What am I doing? 1. Read a foreign word and its translation. I close my eyes and imagine a subject that called this a foreign word. For example, the British prick (prick) – puncture, prick. Imagine a thin shiny needle to the tip of which I touch your finger. I feel the tingling of a light pressure on the tip. Listen to your feelings and thoughts mean their word prick. 2. I poiznoshu foreign word aloud several times: in a whisper, quiet voice, then amplify the voice, pronouncing the word with a different rate. I want the word "stuck" to me. I can imagine how this foreign word could say other people: my friends and acquaintances, announcers on television, passers-by. I'm trying to imagine the intonation of each person, I try to mentally "hear" the word from their lips. 3. I pick the word phonetic association. For example: prick – pin pin. Ie, on the one hand, the phonetic association must reflect the pronunciation of the word, on the other – be relevant to the value. "Pin pin" – is reflected and the sound of a foreign words (CIDP), and characterized by its value (a situation prick). Such associations can be any number. Depending on how your fantasy. My fantasy is poor, so I confine myself, as Typically, one or two associations. 4. I pick up a foreign word pairs – that is, words with which this word could be combined. Ideally, of course, the more steam the better. However, in this case I am satisfied with one or two collections. For example: sharp prick (prick Shap) – a sharp shot. Under certain skills to work with a single word can take you no more than a minute, maybe even less. Thus, the list of thirty words you learn in about half an hour. In general, it's not a bad result, considering that you are not just skimmed through the list of words with translation, and deeply worked for each entry. Your memory will retain the material is durable and long.


Rehabilitation Youth Centre RSCU

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Not far from Moscow is paradise, famous for environmental cleanliness, scenic beauty, pristine lakes and mineral springs. This Ruza district, where the Education and Rehabilitation Youth Centre RSCU "Almaz". In summer there are practices of our students, counselors work, conducting classes in various circles, and organize cultural events. Employees of our editorial staff visited the camp on the eve of completion the last change. To live with an open mind this summer, "Almaz" received nearly 1,000 children aged 7 to 15 years. Most of the guys – from large and poor families. For the rest of all the conditions. Pupils living in the comfortable two-storey buildings, eat in the spacious dining room, play sports on a specially equipped areas.

In addition, participating in cultural events that take place in well-equipped auditorium. – I really like to be a pioneer leader, decided to stay until the end of August – said Catherine Chugunova, 4th year student of social work faculty, teaching and Juvenology, the future social educator. – I love children, I can with them get along, but had no idea that this work could be so interesting. To achieve good results, you need to go to the children with an open heart, to give them love, dream holiday. – It's great that this year we came in "Almaz". Worked with children, put into practice knowledge in social pedagogy, psychology and other disciplines – has joined our conversation 3 rd year student majoring "Social Pedagogy" Constantine Podenok. – Leader must be a responsible person, it is important to be able to gain respect for the guys. Work in a children's camp can not be called simple, but it brings a great moral satisfaction. Catherine Chugunova, Constantine and Podenok Gennady Kozlov, who defected to the 3 year degree, "Social pedagogy" were marked by the leadership of the camp as the best counselors.


Certain Entrepreneur

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A serious error of some entrepreneurs constitutes the fact to cling too much to the traditional thing, to the common thing; one is due to think about great and acting, to make our dreams reality. We see ourselves in a next article.To be an entrepreneur, implies a responsibility. An entrepreneur must have in mind that in a moment will be taking care of its clients, since for that it has initiated a emprendimiento. Without clients a business cannot subsist. The responsibility, therefore, of the entrepreneur, will be, to analyze its clients to know its needs, and everything what they need to leave ahead in his life. One is an obligatory diagnosis on the part of an entrepreneur. Only thus, it will be able to be determined what will be due to give our clients, when and how it is due to give him, and in what amounts. Certain steps exist that must be realised to avoid that a business project fails and, those steps directly are related to certain characteristics, own of their personality.

Without these characteristics, innate, in some cases, the personality of the entrepreneur, a emprendimiento could fail. A emprendimiento is seen like express a vision, take action before the visionado thing, and follow with certainty the work until obtaining the propose goals before our vision. That is to say, it is to leave a mental state of desire and to make it reality, by means of a series of action, carried out with certainty and perseverancia. I can affirm that, some characteristics constitute attitudes and, in that context, some of the characteristics required for a successful emprendimiento, are the following: 1. – Optimism. Of simple form, the optimism means to see the future of positive way, without rather harnessing any circumstance that could prevent the development of our business, but, diminishing them. The experience has demonstrated that the success depends on the knowledge and ability to handle the difficult situations.


Uniform State Exam

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Actually I want to share their experience and talk a little bit of preparation and procedure of Uniform State Exam (CSE). Since I am an alumnus of the year exams and handed in the form of the exam, I am much easier to tell without exaggeration and falsehood. The schools are very much afraid of children on the exam, and therefore it is a consequence of the fear of writing the test. But as it turns out in fact, the procedure of where calmer and more pleasant than the traditional form of exams. Although the responsibility lies on the shoulders of the graduate huge, because Exam in core subjects there is no retake, this feature is available only in next year. You understand that the exam can take up the emotions and nerves, that negatively affect the results.

If you want your child later enrolled at a prestigious university on a budget, you should already begin to engage in 10 class, ie 2 years before the exam. It is the best and recommended for all read my textbooks in preparation for the Unified State Examination way. Certainly it seems that everything is far away, but time will pass very quickly and so that day to come, from which will directly depend on the fate of graduates. I'll tell you how I passed the first exam. I remember that day in detail. I was taking biology, May 25, the morning was surprisingly good. It was presumably knowing what to expect, because for us, specially conducted trial tests, but I could not know what awaits me in a sealed envelope.

A lot of options, and know that gets you is not possible. Gathering at the school, Administration instruction, blessing, set out. Everyone knows that the graduates pass the exams in their home schools do not, well that was near my PPE, in a neighboring school. At the entrance to collate data on absences and passports, threatening the security guard only allows those who have all the relevant documents. In the lobby told the audience room, you go, look for cabinet doors, looking for his name and his place, you pass, you sit down. In this time in the classroom was so eerie silence, the horror. Bring exam packages, print out the graduates, issue on your hands, and actually start filling out forms. Time is given for different exams in different ways, from 3 Up to 4 hours on average. A person can take the work even after 15 minutes of the exam, a purely personal. But whether or not to commit such an act? Personally, I always sat for more than two hours. That's it, no you do not keep written, passed, gone. As for results, they will be no earlier than two weeks after writing the exam site for your region and school. So good luck to those who will take this very insidious exam!


Consultant Required Documents

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If you can not describe in detail you are interested in the situation, but can you name just one – two words that characterize the essence of the problem it is better to use the legal navigator. The resulting request a complete list of key concepts on the subject will choose the one or more of which are considered best suited to your problem. Mark them 'tick' – and you'll get a list of relevant documents, which will certainly be able to find the answer to your question. If you know all or part of the details of the required document (adoption date, number, etc.), it is more convenient just use the card search. Specify certain details in the appropriate fields, cards and will immediately receive the required document. Study and analysis of submissions received by Consultant Required Documents found.

Now proceed to the study and analysis. Opening a text document, we recommend to pay attention to the presence in the top row of text information. This line contains important information about features of the instrument. At the stage of problem analysis is often necessary to understand how legal rules governing its practice explained and applied by the courts. The system of Consultant working with The document can be quickly locate additional information for its specific fragment from the icon in the margin of the document. Additional information can be represented as a structured list of documents (Tree-list), which can be, and regulations and court decisions and comments of experts.


Economics State University

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Dear reader, you wrote a cool student life Denis X, incidentally, Faculty of Economics (Budget Group), the city will not speak – afraid of sleeping. I wanted to share my impressions on the flow, more precisely, to surrender the unified state examination in 2008. Lived – not whole school and then like a bolt from the blue – 11 class, the very beginning of adulthood, should be determined by the profession to earn normal money, to fly from parental nest and further not to grieve. I have a penchant for mathematics since childhood, but like the Department of Mathematics is not very far-sighted, based on the realities of today, the parents have chosen the Faculty of Economics State University. After this has gone – gone, enrolled in training courses, parents find tutors with a Uni to prepare for the unfortunate cse also coached the school we are, in short, soaked in a knowledge like a sponge, tired of the same year as a dog. So come the month of May – he is decisive in the battle for the granite of science. At the preparatory course was a rumor that there is a web site with options and answers to the cse, which actually be on the exam, no one really could not say, rumors and speculation – not betray this value.

Then a friend – a classmate gave me a link to the site you want, I thought that plus will not pay for access (money is not much like), and downloaded versions and responses to the cse on one subject for testing – thinking that fraudsters, because that just does not happen. Took questions one version, started proreshivat with textbooks, it appears that all the correct answers, then optionally, the time did not want to spend, of each option, taking questions and checked – everything matches. Still not particularly looking forward to the acquisition, has prepared a cheat sheet – you never can tell, the time spent not a lot, the site argued said that a total of 15 options for each region is allocated. So imperceptibly the day came the first exam, I got the same version which I proreshival home, checking answers site – just a good memory, happiness was not limit, the first thought – thanks to a friend. Since the first exam has been overcome, however, does not know how well.

Ahead was another two, the most important: the Russian language and math – and again already known website, new options, , cribs. In Russian, however, had to write 15 essays on topics provided by the site, but it's better than a complete unknown. After the second exam, I have no doubt – the site works, you can cancel without much straining, Though look, but a lot of time. The third exam went like clockwork, had only to wait for results. And here they come – one 94 points, the second – 93, and the third – already 95! After that, I realized that the epic of the receipt ended, and in comparison with others, I very lightly, thanks to the creators site! I hope that somebody helped with the problem of income.


Crop Circles Cropcircles

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Crop Circles (icons in the margins) – correct geometrical education in the fields of farmland, representing polegshie ears or grass. Plant stalks are bent in knots so that they become parallel to the ground. All stems are bent at the same time in one direction around the circle. Drawings themselves are usually abstract patterns, very precise in execution, the size reaching several tens of meters, resulting in What they all can only be seen from a bird's flight. Despite the fact that the ears are bent parallel to the ground, they continue to grow normally. Studies have found many pictures of their strange features: icon within the circular magnetic anomalies observed in some people, headache, animals refuse to enter into the picture, and placed there by force behave restlessly. Study ears showed presence of tiny metal balls. To date, there are many theories about the origin drawings in the margins: a natural origin, alien version, and drawing.

The most interesting version – this is extraterrestrial origin of icons. However, it can not explain the purpose of creating such images. Today, almost every day there are new publications and drawings and the drawings become more complex. There was a lot of enthusiasts who are trying with the help of mathematical constructions to decipher a meaning inherent in their opinion in these drawings. As the more complex icons, and growing surprise witnesses. It was once thought that bent grass – it's an unknown natural phenomenon. These days, when it became clear that the signs carry some information, science (as often happens in such cases) prefers not to notice the phenomenon. Thus, Today crop circle mystery remains unsolved. More information about this and other online mogom