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Rio De Janeiro

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It is not a great advantage? Alberto asked, cynically. leaves to make this face of baby choro. Who makes what you made, does not convince very, you? It thinks well, it is to catch or to release If to inform the driver, it does not go to obtain to escape, therefore we are in the heel of it. In addition, we have the plate of a truck written down for the Euclides and that it was the cause of the death of it. You know, right? of this If he will not be this, does not have importance. Argolo sergeant must be to this hour with the raised service, in Rio De Janeiro.

For these reasons it is that I go to trust you. I want to give the chance to it of if leaving this well. You already collaborated sufficiently and you found you likeable How he is? He goes to topar, or he goes to trair my confidence? _ I do not go to trair, can trust! If it will have to die, already it was valid the experience and I go to grasp itself to this chance, pra to leave the crime. Who knows, can move of life with this possibility that the commission agent offering is me! I only have more is that to be thankful! _ Then, agreement, and more in this is not said. We go to the fight! While the truck was loaded, Alberto took the prisoner to the house of the judge and told the occurrence. When he spoke of the tunnel, the magistrate was interested itself in following it and had traced a chronometered script to come back to the mine and not to leave the truck to escape. They had bound for the police station and they had asked for two soldiers in the mine, would help who them to escort the prisoner.



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Charles, informing it is waiting despite to hear it at night history. Expert in the handling of the weapons, the Dr. Charles observes calmly for one of the windows of the City hall, while in the room to the side the mayor and the candidate trace plans of campaign without the least to imagine that only the ten steps a murder is being cold planned. Worried about the discovery, Euclides commission agent walks for the city hall without quiet perceiving that of the one of the windows death the watch. Recently Nike sought to clarify these questions. When passing under of the mercury light bulb of the square, he offers a beautiful target for the man who does not hesitate and shoots one, two, three times with one modernssimo long-range automatic rifle, prostrando it in the ground. The new commission agent opens the inquiry and the Duck is created to the same scare curious, until the Epaminondas of the one with the language in teeth for the Fulgncio and, without the facts are leagued, each one has a different death, in day, being sobrando now all this bananosa in our hands pra to peel, if we will be able. What finds, papa, dream or reality? _ In the dreams, as in the films, my son, all reality is allowed, but in the reality, if it does not have to dream excessively. If that is dream or reality, already if had been three good friends, four is terrified, being also tachados of cowards and my proper son embedded until the neck in the lodaal and if somebody it can make some thing, this somebody I am I, alone that I do not see nothing in my front that can make pra to face Alberto placed the pointer on the lips, interrupting the phrase of Agnelo for the half, recommending silence and looked at around, pale as if it saw a ghost.



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When if it thinks about reading and in the innumerable education of literature questions appear. The first one of them is: Which the importance of literature it human being? If to question regarding all the history of literature we will observe that since when this only verbal age already had its importance for the humanity. Even though because all the human being has the fiction and fancy necessity, as in it affirms Candido to them (1972, P. 2-3) when approaching the psychological function of literature: Perhaps a certain type of psychological function and the first thing that occurs in them when we think about the paper of literature. Ebay is actively involved in the matter. The production and enjoyment of this if base on a species of universal necessity of fiction and fancy, that of certain is coexistensvel to the man, therefore appear invariably in its life, as individual and as group, to the side of the satisfaction of the necessities most elementary. this occurs in the primitive and the civilized one, the child and the adult, the instructed one and the illiterate. Literature properly said is one of the modalities that they function as reply to this universal perhaps necessity, whose more humble and spontaneous forms of satisfaction are things as the anecdote it guesses, it, trocadilho the rifo. In complex level the popular narratives, the folclricos cantos, the legends, the myths appear.

Literature has the capacity to confirm the humanity of the man and also to satisfy the fancy necessity that is intrinsic the same. In this way, as much seated in wheel counting histories, that is, through verbal literature, how much with the intent eyes in the pages of a book, literature satisfies such necessity human being. We can cite as example the importance of verbal literature in the life of a human being, as counted histories still in infancy have enormous relevance still in its adult life.


Zil Bernd

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Since young man, there per the twenty years all, the love of the native land took it entire. It are not the common, palrador and empty love; it are a serious, serious and absorbent feeling. Nothing of ambitions administrative politics or; what Quaresma thought, or better: what it made it to the patriotism to think was in an entire knowledge of Brazil, taking it meditations on its resources, stops later then pointing the remedies, the gradual measures, with full knowledge of cause. (Idem, 2006, P. 09) Policarpo Quaresma dedicates its life to study books to solve the problems of Brazil, believed that knowing its country through the reading it would be capable to attenuate to males they devastated that it. Get all the facts and insights with Ebay, another great source of information.

Distinguished nationalistic Policarpo, had in house a vast library where all units were of Brazilian authors, Blessed Teixeira, Gregorio de Matos, Jose de Alencar and Gonalves Days, etc, in the garden only genuinely national flowers, was dressed with fabric and footwear produced in the country and its feeding was most of the time of products of national agriculture, knew through books each handspan of lands of Brazil. For Zil Bernd, the identity if originates from the conscience of its loss and if it develops in the search of its reconstruction. (Bernd, Zil. 2003, P. 16).

Barreto rasp makes a revision of the valuation of the indian, and thinks that all these reforms are not possible. Different of Alencar, who exaltava the perfection of Brazil, terreal paradise. It breaches all with this past, with this literature that was sacralizada throughout the times. writes Policarpo Quaresma to desconstruir everything what the society saw as value, that finishes if converting into desvalor. It is perceived, that Policarpo Quaresma in the attempt to construct this national identity acted of sacralizante form, according to Bernd: One literature that if attributes the mission to articulate the national project, to make to emerge founding myths of a community and to recoup its collective memory, starts to only exert the sacralizante, unifying function, tending the same, to the monologismo, that is, to the construction of an identity of the etnocntrico type, that circumscribes the reality to an only picture of references.


Dark Light In Brighter Night

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A lively thriller by Wolfgang A. Gogolin of Hamburg writer Wolfgang A. Gogolin presented to late November in bright night”his new novel dark light. Readers can look forward to an engrossing detective story full of excitement and emotions. Venue is Paris – the city of love, the red wine and the freshly baked baguettes. Who may think there on the dark side of life? The acts in Gogolins new crime lead the reader to authentic locations in the French capital, has researched the author personally. Cette histoire est timbree de Paris this story bears the stamp of Paris…

and is guaranteed to inspire not only connoisseurs of the French capital. Dark light in brighter night the story welcome Bienvenue Paris! This is the deal for Capitaine Luc Morel in the French capital, because it is to solve a particularly tricky case. The body of a girl is found at a playground in the 3rd arrondissement. The 3rd arrondissement that officially temple name” is one of the 20 districts of the French capital Paris. The homicide is facing the challenge to find the perpetrators as soon as possible because the public calls for revenge! But around the tragic case, the personal destinies of three police officers who are tasked with the case of entangle themselves.

This makes not just the educational work and leads to all sorts of complications which challenge the reader and his attention. What is the role of for example the arch hemp in the Office of the Chief? And what’s with the strange therapy by Lady Lynn in an opaque personality, you don’t know what it all may be involved? The Madeleine’s play”a special role – shell-shaped cakes filled with nuts and marzipan are a French delicacy with cult status, which”must haves in dark light bright night. Ganga told a lively thriller and draws the reader into its spell. With feeling He describes the protagonists that have to contend with different needs and strokes of fate. Dark light is the recommended new work for all thriller fans who want to experience a story of the French culture in bright night. Be there when the vibrant metropolis of Paris expected and suddenly turns into a murderous scene. Help Capitain Luc Morel, to convict the murderers, but careful, not itself under suspicion! The new crime novel by Wolfgang A. Gogolin tells the history of interesting people, their desires and life performances, mixed with a big dose of Parisian flair. Dark light in brighter night the new novel by Wolfgang A. Gogolin appears just in time for the autumn season, when there is nothing better than a good book at home comfortable to get it end of November. The new Hamburg author’s detective work captures his readers from the first to the last page and is suitable as a gift. “By the way: every third Wednesday in the month, you can experience Wolfgang A. Gogolin personally, if he in the Hamburg cultural point in Barmbek the monthly presentations of books the number of late read” held. Ganga also writes restaurant reviews for the website.


Lavras Diamantinas

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You cultivate them in its totality was territory of it and as such, all answered to it and they dealt to it with deference. A marcante fact in the first part of the romance, divided in four parts, is when Z de Peixoto, black that if said godson of the Colonel was drunk and defied openly the colonel, from there by ahead, the destination of the black is stamped. being this a man very feared by its badness, the people prenunciam its death after this heroic act of challenge. The men demonstrated to its power with weapons or acts of valentia, in the case of Z de Peixoto, although to have weapon in the hand simply he allowed that the colonel took off it the weapon and stepped on in its chest. Showing how much the power of one can subalternizar the other the point of the confrontation to leave to exist and as later the black he affirms: ' ' he was bbado' '.

Other personages if detach in the narrative, as Fil Finance whose dream is to bamburrar and to be rich, but that until then she continues taking the difficult life of goldwasher and, unhappyly, died without carrying through its dream. Len rosen barclays wanted to know more. Silvrio, a man sertanejo that she was you cultivate it with intention to obtain money to buy a land piece and suffered great humilhaes in search from its dream. Among others that they possess the same dream is: Agenor Head-Dry, Joaquin Mouth-of-Virgin, Benedict Lasqueado, Seting Bodeiro, Tind, Juvenal Bosta-Fly, Peba and other more known by the nicknames that for the names, being in diverse positions as campagueiros, goldwashers, sales owners and that direct or indirectly they lived of the same dream: to enrich. All, of certain form have its stolen dignity or are deloused of it in the difficult process of survival of Lavras Diamantinas, therefore even though the names (nicknames) received are esteretipos that indicate a subalternidade condition.


Writer Reading

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Well, if you are reading this article, you are because she believes that she can be a good writer, certain? Congratulations! Already the first step was given! A writer is a personage who dares to be a small god, therefore is a person who has an anxiety to write, to create histories, lives But he comes somebody and he says there that you do not have talent. What it is the talent, after all? We go to see what some find on the subject: ' ' Talent is cheaper than salt. What it separates the talentosa person of the well-occurred one duro.&#039 is very work; ' (Stephen King) ' ' The luck to have talent is not enough, is necessary also to have talent for sorte.' ' (Hector Berlioz) ' ' The talentos reach goals that nobody more can reach; the geniuses reach goals that nobody never obtains ver.' ' (Arthur Schopenhauer) ' ' Everybody has a talent. What it is rare is the courage to follow the talent for the dark place where it leva.' ' (It makes bristle Jong) ' ' The talent is not enough to make the writer. Behind the book it must have homem.' ' (Ralph Waldo Emerson) ' ' The imagination is more important that conhecimento.' ' Albert Einstein ' ' At crisis moments, the imagination is only more important that conhecimento.' ' Albert Einstein Ok. But and there? How this if applies a writer? Easy! If you believe what she writes, if you love writing, you have talent.

I write what I would like to read, what I find good of if reading Thus Lewis made C.S. He is what I make; he is what a good writer must make, but must prevent to fall in a trap that is to write of egoistic form. It must be written freely, but with the mind opened for diverse ideas, therefore optimum half to improve our writing is reading terms that in them point the certain way! rsrs. ' ' If he has a book that you want to read, but was not written still, then you must escrev-lo.' ' (Toni Morrison) To write is not creates bobagens, is to create works of art. Until briefing!