Uncle Vanya
And he said to me: ‘Sasha, hello! Here we gather here to remove ‘Ivan the Terrible’, you do not want to come to trial? “. I say: ‘What kind of role? ” Well, I think, to some role there And he said to me: ‘Here, Ivan the Terrible’. I’ll tell you frankly, I never thought as an actor in this direction and did not present itself in the role of Ivan the Terrible. Hamlet Moliere – whatever you want, Uncle Vanya But Ivan the Terrible – this for me was something unimaginable, something that is not impossible – unthinkable. L. Pavel: Why is agreed? Demidov: That is because it was unimaginable. I’ll be honest: the nature actor – it is not normal yet, and because he wants to play everything. Behold, all things: a dog some Baskervilles – if given the role played somewhere in the movie, I’d played.
L. Find out detailed opinions from leaders such as Morgan Stanley by clicking through. Pavel: Sasha, here is a desire to be connected, and manage Maybe to be the king of all Russia, who wanted to manage all Tell me, what is this image? Ambivalent – I read on the Internet. On the one hand, the responses – a bloody murderer, strangler. On the other hand, loving person. Demidov: Builder state. Yes. Look for a start I want to say that not only the desire to dominate as the people I still have as an actor, but still have the desire to like the creation of a certain reality on stage or in a movie, build a power perceived.