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Dolores GarciJose Medina

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We support the proper functioning of the equipment of computing in composure, cleaning, and maintenance of software, audiovisual resources in the classroom of media, 35 laptop for use by students, 1 personal laptop for teaching use, of the four team’s enciclomedia with Smart Board in charge of first grade teachers, placement of Internet lines for the same to be at the forefront in communication with other schools in the State and the country.We notify in due course any breakdown of the teams engineers in computer CECOTED and join us.Prior planning we inform teachers of Group about the material available to the media room and the services provided, which could support them in their teaching practice.We spread participation school teachers, executives and community, which in this year was generally very satisfactory since our activities were disseminated in La paz, BCS, Mexico, Latin America and Espana.elaboramos five wall newspapers with information about advances in online courses and collaborative projects in which I participate school at national level.At the beginning of this school year 2008-2009 design brochures for information about courses and projects which could involve teachers and pupils of the school. Already in the internal continue with support towards teachers in everything that involved the use of the classroom of media topics in different subjects, giving the necessary support to make the most of navigation, research and activities with Internet, in addition to participating with 9 groups of first, second, third at all times and teachers Dolores GarciJose Medina, Clitlalic Arce, Maria Concepcion Agundez, Santiago Brooks, Silvia Judith Arce, Rosa Sandoval, Ruben Bareno, Luis Alberto Loyal during the months of February, March, April, may and June in projects such as: water that you drink where participating students completed this project, where I help with a Conference and models about caring for water in the world day of water in wonders of nature students developed blogs on natural resources of Baja California Sur in the classroom of media supported by us in such material onlinealways trying to have responsibility to achieve them, we also participate in photographic code between if and not your reflection, adding efforts, talents and competencies through a series of interactions that allowed together achieve the stated purpose.