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San Isidro

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The title is nothing if you don’t have capacity for reading, discernment, mental agility, reading comprehension and proved it. The year 2000 was released a notice in the newspaper that said: staff rationalization and commissary, require urgent. Interested to present with terno in Los Sauces 123 San Isidro, during office hours. Preference will be given to those who dominate Affairs of prospecting. Miguel Cobarrubias, a friend of San Borja, was Bachelor in administration, had months, without a job, unemployed, was desperate, was looking for a job opportunity everywhere. It was precisely the, who taught me this newspaper notice. Cranky told me:-whore Pedro, I’m already tired brother. Not be to do.

Daily buy newspaper, looking for work, need money, they have come together I debts, I read all the notices and there is nothing for me. Alejo sad leaving me the newspaper, where had wheeled notices that nonsense, matters that were not considered for the. One of the crossed out warnings was that I have described above and it said: staff rationalization and commissary, require urgent. Interested to present with terno in Los Sauces 123 San Isidro, during office hours. Preference will be given to those who dominate Affairs of prospecting. Tell me UD, if this notice was not for people with management studies.

What does UD say? Let’s see. Rationalisation is a process which is intended to the maximum utilization of the Organization, its systematization, which are designed: forms, manual functions, organizational charts, etc., which allow all work with speed, fluency, knowledge of which is its task, following the guidelines of the company. Rationalization is the same as saying organization and methods. The fundamental reason for the existence of a section or Department of methods in an enterprise is in the rationalization and simplification of the work performed by its employees.