Yearly Archives

23 Articles


The Geometric

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When his unit dug pit at the bottom of which there is a bias toward the center. Then, on the gravel drainage network training fit – drainage pipeline for untreated sewage. Next comes the filter layer greater than in the case of fields of filtration thickness. It can reach 1.5-1.8 m. Then he laid crushed stone or gravel, and on it – irrigation tube. The performance of this system is about 100 liters / day. meter on the irrigation pipeline.

The filter trench – a more modest post-treatment facility capacity. They have almost the same device, sand and gravel filter. The main difference is that the irrigation pipes are located is not a network, and linear, each in his own trench. Companies that are developing such systems offer different options material loading and the geometric dimensions of the trenches. An example of construction using the cleansing properties of the soil, may serve as a filtration plant type (septic system and biofilter). These settings are designed at different volume flows from 750 to 4000 l / day. Their work is based on the mechanisms of ground clearance. First, liquid wastes enter the septic tank, made from high quality fiberglass.

Then, waste water, freed from suspended particles and impurities are sent to a distribution well. From there, they served in the spray tube and are dispersed over a layer of crushed stone preparation. In the crushed stone and sand layers of the soil filter is an aerobic post-treatment. Question discharge treated sewage is solved individually for each case.


Design Of Overhead Power Lines And Equipment

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When designing the main power grid power is recommended: to chart the power line through the major assemblies of the load, to avoid direct links between power plants, produce selection scheme accession power plant and substation to the main network, taking into account the reliability of power supply node electrical network and the need to provide transit facilities for overhead lines; construct between two network nodes on one route, usually no more than two lines transmission of one strain. If necessary, additional strengthening of the network should be considered the feasibility of construction of the il other areas, or performing power at a higher voltage. Design of power distribution network by taking into account: in areas with low coverage of the networks with similar values of technical and economic indices of development options for the network encouraged to give preference to the construction of overhead lines on new routes and in major cities and industrial areas with a large concentrated load on one path may provide the construction of two or more overhead, with passing overhead on the territories of cities, industrial areas, the approaches to power plants and substation. in cramped conditions, in forests, etc. il recommend that you perform on the double circuit towers. In this case, suspension of one chain recommended when the need to enter the second strand occurs in more than three years after entering the first, and when disabling the first circuit at the time of suspension of work on the second allowed by the conditions electricity.


Yes Lacoste

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The French school is only born when France is defeated by Germany in the war in 1870, French geography in turn, keeps a imperialista model of German geography, however German geography if it supported in the kantiano idealismo, as Humboldt if they differentiated in the reference scale, Humboldt was total totalizante and regional Ritter therefore, geography that we today have in our schools and university, is geography for them systemize. The strategists of the war of the Vietnam, had been the geopolitical ones, however she is possible to affirm that geography came if becoming one sets needs control d and space, Yes Lacoste affirms that _ geography more serves before nothing pra to make the war. The fight that if had in the decade of 70 of the socialism and the democracy, comes of the combination of the crisis of the capitalism, resulting in the desistalinizao of the composition of the world-wide politics. Pierre George was the responsible one for the loss of the natural division of the continents, therefore the world finishes for if to divide in two systems, the capitalist and the socialist one, geography if includes in the countries, depending on the organization of its economic system. The development in the formation of the geographic thought if makes necessary, from the moment where the man if makes use to want if for the one along with the beddings and of the structure of the same one. Pestalozzi affirmed that geography was better understood when to the one contact of interaction with the exterior world, it privileged the nature to have one better resource of learning. With the mercantilizao of the merchandises, the capitalism has force enough to become enlarged itself of form that its subsistence was guaranteed for the nature, all this process alone showed that if it could affirm that as much the man and the capital, more early or later would enter and contradiction with the nature. It is the work that establishes the man the nature and it demarcates at the same time them, therefore the man is the only being, that if reproduces conscientiously; the work processes if modernize and with this to an accumulation in the space, example of this is verticalizao of the cities, with this the dispute of classrooms is present constantly. Geography therefore, is a measure for the improvement and good of all, only depends on the men make who it they use that it of a correct form to reorganize spaces, to explore places, and to expand its knowledge on the same one.


So Lus

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Thus, the name of the quarter was a homage given to this mayor, therefore according to it the objective of the purchase of the land was to prevent the urban growth in one alone direction, of the BR-153. In the agreement of it, the public power was creating a new space where the people could live, mainly, the migrantes that were arriving at the city. Thus being, the city hall of Is Joo of the Araguaia received resources destined to the construction from 100 popular houses, that would be erected in the area divided land into parcels previously. The construction materials as roofing tiles and wood, had been bought and storaged in a large cabin, being pillaged little time later for the population needed space liveing. In this manner, in the year of 1989 the So Lus quarter was established, with approximately 20 casebres and about 80 people liveing in them.

Two years after these facts, more necessarily in 27 of December of 1991, for law 5,706, the district of Are Domingos of the Araguaia obtain the emancipation politics. 4,1 FACTORS THAT CONTRIBUIRAM FOR CREATION OF the QUARTER the process of creation of the So Lus quarter is related directly to some factors, such as: i) the implantation of desenvolvimentistas politics for the Amaznia; II) the valuation of the central space of the city, fact this that compelled the low income people to look other spaces for its habitations; III) the population growth and the impoverishment of great part of the population, in special the just fond migrantes of other regions; IV) the job search, mainly in the lumber industry that Number and origin of inhabitants of the quarter. Region of origin Percentile Number of people (%) North 28 31.1 Northeast 55 61.1 Others 3 7 7,7 Total 90 100 Source: elaborated for Antonio Flix Da Silva on the basis of research of field, maro/2004.


Small Great Ally

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Memory that there by years 70, when then Gallic president Valery Giscard d" Estaing carried out a sonata visits the United States, the great metropolitan newspapers of the coast This took the opportunity to publish the results of a survey realised by the Gallup Institute, that showed the little ones, even null, geopolitical knowledge of the North American public opinion. Indeed, the majority of the interviewed people considered that Giscard was the sovereign of an European principality, a military man that had the luck or the misfortune of to have inherited the imperial presidency of mythical general De Gaulle, a statesman of the Old Continent that hardly governed a well-known country. The little interest of the American population by the geographic location and the political system of its transatlantic allies was perpetuated until the attacks of the 11 of September of 2001, when North America discovered the existence of allied nations, arranged to support it in the call " global war against terrorismo". Nevertheless, one was not a gesture unanimous or unconditional. Some European states, like for example France and Germany, did not seem arranged to resign to their habitual " culture of La Paz " , submitting the support to the Administration Bush to the observance on the part of this one of old, although nonobsolete, norms of ethics in the international relations. But the White House showed preference for the call " culture of muerte" , that is to say, by the use of the force. The breach brought about by the lack of unity clouded, until the past week, the European and North American relations between. During the first fortnight of the month of November, the American politicians discovered with astonishment the first indications of change in the foreign policy of the main European countries. After the electoral victory of Nicholas Sarkozy, the direction of the diplomacy has undergone an unexpected course change, that contemplates an approach between Paris and Washington.


English Company

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When I age used, had a change in the direction of the company, the new directors, I had deliberated to make an auditorship to select the facts that they judged defective, I had appealed to a company? of auditorship? without much concept in the market. The first meeting was stranger? why the directors of this company? if they performed with care saying in each three words? at least two that they were in ‘ ‘ ingls’ ‘ , (exageros to the part), sabidamente to make an impression to possible the news contracted. I eat the cretino of planto, also I took my cares to make an impression? to each word said in English, sapecava I a question in good Portuguese? What he means this. Already they capsize as transcorreu the environment of the meeting? pssimo, and with gratuitous antipatia of both parts. It does not need to say that in the report it had a insuportvel load to my work e, the process based on the report of them still rolls in justice, already twelve years had been transferred good and it does not go to result in absolutely in any clarification of aventada doubt. this only serves as illustration of the danger that we run for embarking in ‘ ‘ ismos’ ‘ – as: estrangeirismos? modismos without thinking, intellectual well-taken care of greaters and evidence of the valid and trustworthy sources. Level of professional excellency if characterizes for works paved in facts and proven truths not in penumbras of not intelligible terms technician to the majority.


Brazilian Water Supply

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The systems of water supply use environmental resources, can cause ambient modifications and contain generating units of residues. The ambient release must all be given for the system, since the captation until the distribution. In accordance with the federal legislation, Resolution CONAMA 001/1986, is necessary that if it makes a Study of Ambient Impact? EIA and also an Environmental impact report? IT RHYMES. Water distribution in Brazil In accordance with given of the IBGE (Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics), almost all Brazilian cities have service of water supply, about 97%; 78.6% have service of urban draining and 99.4% have garbage collection. The sanitary exhaustion is the service that represents the lesser tax, more already is offered in more than half 52.2% of the Brazilian cities. The Brazilian on average receives 0,26 m3 (260 liters) from per capita, average water that he varied sufficiently between the regions, in the Southeastern region, the distributed volume reached average of 0,36 m3 per capita, whereas the northeast region did not arrive nor at the half, presenting a per capita average of 0,17 m3. The water distribution in the set of the 8656 districts with general net is made through 30,58 million land linkings, being that 25 million these possess measurers (hydrometers).

The Southeastern region presents the highest index of measurement, with 91% of the measured linkings. The index lowest if finds in the region North, with 37% of measured linkings. Of agreement with the water treatment, 7.2% of the distributed water does not receive no type of treatment, inda today, districts is supplied with underground water, as in the states of Par (89%) and Rio Grande Do Sul (75%), that, even so not treated, it can have good quality. The region North presents a different standard of the too much regions. North-eastern, Southeastern, South and Center-West, more than 90% of the distributed water receives some type of treatment, while in the North this percentage is of 67,6%.


The Values

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The lies that we can take by the societies of the past, disclose to us importance to it to the ambient planning ' ' a time that one of the difficulties for the protection of natural ecosystems is in the existence of the differences of the values and the importance of the same ones between individuals of different cultures or of partner-economic groups that play distinct functions, in the social plan in this ambientes' '. The linguistic diversity is to ' ' language of ouro' ' , not only in a report of idiomatic variations. (HEVIA, 2007, P. 31-32). An ambient education involves cultural questions that for its you see readily was absorbed by these groups, that an excellent chance for the development of ambient knowing constitutes. (PINK, 2007, P.

27). One recognizes it importance of if carrying through studies of ambient education in local communities, in order to manage the sustainable development of this region. ambient education is permeada in the different curricular contents and the different social and ecological phenomena. Understood, therefore, in a reflection space necessarily to interdisciplinar. If to consider the conditions of life of a population that lives the edges of the social advances, extracting its sustenance of the nature without the necessary conditions for an exploration of the nature in sustainable way, requires an educative intervention that the local culture respects and the conditions of learning of the citizens that will be party to suit to be unchained. The developments of as the individual know are capable to classify and to compare, to seriar initial instruments for the understanding of the world, being understood emergenciais problems appeared between the man and the natural world, inside of the civilization process. Perhaps the interatividade between pupil and environment in the learning process, can contribute for the popular awareness how much the construction of the citizenship in defense of the environment, of biological diversity and of life conditions more joust.


Restaurant Business

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If there is a region that in croquis restaurantero is well they are the Alicante restaurants. This part of Spain is formed of special way, bringing a music different from the mouths are united in a rate tuna, rhythmic very, to offer really amazing sensations. On the other hand, the name is very dynamic for those who wants to enjoy a tremendous variety of sensations that settles down within a truly interesting frame that is conjugated in a good way to enjoy the own requirements of the good one for eating. In this so important panorama it is logical that we must define a good integration. This integration logically is obtained with the profile that each companion at table gives well mannered to the restaurantero premises that are had to form like basic at the time of tasting.

These tastings, by all means, are adapted to emphasize the good sense of the food that has settled down like a prop of truly effective attention and of quality that, of some or another form, can give a good testimony us of the food in himself. For the good tables, it is evident that the restaurants in Spain as those of Alicante are enjoyed in giving to the companions at table a good possibility of maintaining the flavor and the style. For it is logical that the restaurantero sense of Alicante is one of most innovating of Spain from a certainly gracious point of view and, why not to say it, flavorful, until the point to re-invent with a good possibility of reacomodo what means to eat in Alicante. It is time of which the companions at table identify themselves totally with the stages more important than she means the good table and the good attention with regard to the feeling of Alicante. Simply it is a success of the Spanish kitchen that promises best and the most select thing to us.

Categorically speaking, it is the best opportunity certainly to enjoy new attentions, good forms, good concepts and something more than simply to eat. Now, this occurs gradually insofar as Alicante stands out more in the kitchen. On the one hand, it is as if all the weight of Alicante of a way or another one and of a little while to the present would be identified with the gastronomical feeling of one nation that it has thrown everything. These good sensations have reported him in certain way a new structure to the kitchen of attention in Alicante, that has been managed to maintain until an admirable degree of optimism as regards the attention towards the clients and what it is formed like so in the map. We are referring obvious a gastronomical map to us that little by little it has ahead more options, more sensations, more cooking supplies than they have to maintain to us. Many other categorisations take to us to take us in serious the so rich food of Alicante. Clear that not always we will be able to adapt to the changes in structure of the main gastronomical sensations in Spain and that later has made it much more amazing.



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Of beginning already a basic interrogation is figured concernente to the act of conception of the thought, in particular, the scientific one. It is asked: ' ' because the knowledge if presents creative as inaudito, beyond the restricted possibility of the simple logical deduction, producing itself then as given newness, stops beyond the possible shirt of force dialectic that happens in the modality of the method in its logical universality which functionally imprisons the concept in the axiomatic skeleton? ' ' or, alternatively, ' ' which the type of epistemologia that ahead grants to the creative act sovereignty of of the one of the conclusive ones reached only for that pure logicidade? ' ' It is from Kant who the judgment – epistemologicamente constructive – to concer nente to science is defined in its generality, universality and character of apodictical type, namely, ' ' transcendental' '. Distinct of the analytical judgments which nothing adds to the knowledge – with the predicate I only unlace shout from the citizen – and the judgments synthetic a posteriori – that they are in the total dependence of the vivencivel experience – the solitary of Keningsberg defines general, universal and apodictical the synthetic judgments a priori one which correspond to science (and tam- well to possible metaphysics) as and ocorren of as a epistmica essence that assures the growth or acrs top of a mountain of the knowledge associating subject to the o preached in a linking to the first unknown sight and not categorically deductible for logic. The thesis to defend here attributes to the intrinsic and constituent college of criati vidade the attribution of the synthetic judgments a priori. Boom creative could be mentioned analogicalally to the same fantastic report of onrico type, in which or- logical-deductible ganizao does not present greater importance but profu is of the representation and of the conceitualidade they arise in the construction of proces only cognoscitivo, in the possibly universal teorizao.