Small Great Ally
Memory that there by years 70, when then Gallic president Valery Giscard d" Estaing carried out a sonata visits the United States, the great metropolitan newspapers of the coast This took the opportunity to publish the results of a survey realised by the Gallup Institute, that showed the little ones, even null, geopolitical knowledge of the North American public opinion. Indeed, the majority of the interviewed people considered that Giscard was the sovereign of an European principality, a military man that had the luck or the misfortune of to have inherited the imperial presidency of mythical general De Gaulle, a statesman of the Old Continent that hardly governed a well-known country. The little interest of the American population by the geographic location and the political system of its transatlantic allies was perpetuated until the attacks of the 11 of September of 2001, when North America discovered the existence of allied nations, arranged to support it in the call " global war against terrorismo". Nevertheless, one was not a gesture unanimous or unconditional. Some European states, like for example France and Germany, did not seem arranged to resign to their habitual " culture of La Paz " , submitting the support to the Administration Bush to the observance on the part of this one of old, although nonobsolete, norms of ethics in the international relations. But the White House showed preference for the call " culture of muerte" , that is to say, by the use of the force. The breach brought about by the lack of unity clouded, until the past week, the European and North American relations between. During the first fortnight of the month of November, the American politicians discovered with astonishment the first indications of change in the foreign policy of the main European countries. After the electoral victory of Nicholas Sarkozy, the direction of the diplomacy has undergone an unexpected course change, that contemplates an approach between Paris and Washington.