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“Primerica Blog – A Primerica forum that offers answers to common questions regarding consumer complaints, job scams and recruiting fraud.”

Although it does not have to be the exclusive and determining objective for the good entrepreneur, that it must be encouraged by a special motivation: to work for one same; the passion put in a project that can generate wealth and jobs, quality of life and social welfare, etc Is evident, that if the company is profitable it will benefit to all: to the investors, because they have believed in the project and probably they will continue it doing; to the workers since they could be compensated by his work and this way they will tie more to the company, which will cause that it works better; and for the promoter who will see compensated his effort. Advantages and disadvantages: Advantages that are obtained independently from the work against the dependent work: – Stability in the use. – To organize the work with autonomy. – To develop a work in which it is created, with the incentive of to have attended its beginnings. – To assume the decision making personally. – The satisfaction to have removed ahead with effort something that has created one same one. – To stimulate and to develop the creativity, since it is a constant process of innovation, either to create needs in the market or to more satisfy or existing with better products or services. – The independence that is obtained working for one same one.

Disadvantages that cause that many people question themselves to send themselves to this adventure: – Greater dedication and effort. – Economic Risk. – Uncertainty. New tendencies in the matter of self-employment: Like other alternatives of use, in this one, it is necessary to be alert on the new tendencies that can make improve a business idea, or that they can help us in the beginning of our own enterprise project. – The regeneration of the productive weave from the appearance of new enterprise figures, that introduce new organizational schemes, like the tax exemption, the freelance one (collaborating of companies), the consultant or the salesman independently.