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US Economic Growth

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The astronomical economic growth lived deeply by U.S.A., since the dawn of century XIX propitiated, for some, of course, an enormous social euphoria, marking years 1920 as years of inigualvel prosperity in imaginary social’ ‘ , however, nor all they were feeling these benefits economic. It is the case of the agriculturists, who approximately lived of subsistence and the majority of them composed for eight million and way of sulistas peasants living as leaseholders in cotton farms. to get worse the situation, according to Sellers (1990, P. 328), ‘ ‘ in 1934, the worse drought of the history of the nation threatened to transform the excess into lack. Thousands of sharecroppers and leaseholders had been expulsos of the land and had been in misria’ ‘. Barclays may help you with your research. It dries devastated the North American territory of Oklahoma.

Men and women were apreensivos in search of some solution: the men looked some reply and the women waited of them some attitude. From this reality we can display the dimension politics of such historical context. Barclays is open to suggestions. For this, she fits to define us what we understand for politics. We understand politics as one practical one, between different the practical ones, as the economic one, that she transforms the nature into value of use; the scientific one, that she transforms knowledge into science. practical politics is understood, therefore, as an action intentional human being, who transforms (she produces and she reproduces) relations social. Politics is the concept that we use when we argue interactions, where aspects politicians intentionally is desired by the social actors. Some types of practical politics, depending on the type of social relation can exist. The practical politics of sort, produces and reproduces sort relations; of education, it produces and it reproduces educational relations, as between professors and pupils.


Portuguese Institute

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As measures of minimizao the accomplishment of archaeological soundings was proposal, through half mechanics. The works had elapsed in the month of January of 2006, under responsibility of the signatory archaeologist of this preliminary report. Thus, sond had been opened 3 ditches of 4×2 mts (. 1, 2 and 3), having itself observed great amount of tegulae, imbrices and dolia, as well as some fragmentos of domestic ceramics of chronology coeva. Of the 3 mechanical soundings efectuadas only 2 they had disclosed archaeological context, being that one of them (sond. 2) if presented barren of occupation vestiges human being. Sounding 1 allowed to observe an archaeological level (UE 2), characterized, essentially, for fragmentos of tegulae, fragmentos of dolia and fragmentos of common ceramics. The archaeological level was observed under a layer with about 60/80 cm of estratigrfica land power, dug for the culture of eucaliptos and pines, of dark chestnut coloration, with pebbles to the mixture (UE 1).

In this UE 1 tegulae and imbrices had been observed fragmentos of. In the interface of the two UE' s was observed a small one knocks down of tegulae and some fragmentos of dolia. Later, in way best to observe archaeological level, subdivided it sond. 1, in sond. 1-A and sond. 1-B.

There they had been lowered about 30 cm of the surface layer, reaching itself a level of tegulae, completely dug. The layer is equivalent to UE 1. Of the material point-of-sight one collected tegulae and fragmentos of dolia. Sounding 2 showed barren archaeologically. Sounding only 3 disclosed to archaeological material in the cut This (fragmentos of tegulae). In such a way, and after it visits to the place for the Dr Helena Moura (Portuguese Institute of Archaeology? Extension of Pigeon house), was praised the widening of the sounding ditches; of form to more get a knowledge widened of the small farm, allowing its interpretation.


The Processes

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The author develops the studies presented above in six sub-item: 1.A ethical memory. In this topic the author comments on the development of the collective memory, being part of the daily life for the peoples without writing, citing Leroi-Gouhan and Goody. Quotation also some examples of the culture of primitive peoples and of that it forms developed a collective memory. It comments, citing Goody, that the collective memory in the societies ' ' selvagens' ' word for word is not developed, in a learning mechanics, but as one ' ' construction generativa' ' , inside of a dimension narrative and in other structures of the chronological history of the events (p.428-430). 2.O development of the memory: of the orality to the writing, of Daily pay-history to the Antiquity. In this topic the author comments the appearance of the writing, being on to the one deep transformation in the collective memory, allowing the development of two forms of memory: the first one, in commemorative monument form of a marcante event and second, the registration in rock, exciting at the time modern, a science auxiliary of history, the epigrafia (p.431). He comments the great importance of the funerary memory, as estelas sacerdotais or real Egyptians, in which &#039 exists the one presence; ' narrative histrica' ' that it functions as a mnemonic archive of the significant events of the time, as well as the importance of documents filed in the most different supports (bone, I upholster, skin, papyrus, parchment, paper, among others). with this the creation of ' ' institutions of memria' ' , as archives, libraries and museums, allowing registers of ' ' memory real' ' , where they are told made that establishes ' ' the border where the memory if becomes histria' ' (p.432-434). The author comments the occured transformation in the processes of ' ' memory artificial' ' , with the ticket of the orality to the writing and the appearance of ' ' processes mnemotcnicos' ' , allowing to the memorization word for word, that according to Goody, is about an operation effected in a certain order and that it allows ' ' descontextualizar' ' ' ' recontextualizar' ' verbal data, second one ' ' recodificao lingstica' ' (p.435-436).


Brazilian Economic

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Causing indignaopor part of the nationalists who turn its merchandises in the shelf, he entopassou to make it difficult> American importation, but soon was invited pelosAmericanos to leave poderda nation, being moved away by order of the United States. VARGAS RETURN AOpoder 1951 to 1954Para conseguiraliados, looked for to erase the image of ditadordo Been New and to construct a new figure, of democratic man. He retook duasdiretrizes the economic nationalism and the working politics. He was to precisoatacar the exploration of the international forces so that the parents conquered economic suaindependncia. He had one fight wanted between to deliver them ' ' nossopatrimnio to the foreigner and the nationalists defended. The conflict started eats exploration of the oil.

The entreguistas wanted that them they estrangeirosextrassem our oil and the Brazilian nacionalistasqueriaempresa, for issofundarama state Petrobra’s, edefendiam the slogan ' ' THE OIL IS NOSSO' ' Social Nocampo defended the rights of the worked ones wanted to construct a economic democraciasocial and where the worker had, beyond the rights politicians, odireito to enjoy doprogresso that elemesmo created with its work. In 1954, Vargas authorizeed an increase of 100% minimum nosalrio, taking care of to the proposal of the minister of the Work JOO GOULART, (serious this name), this measure provocouenorme dissatisfaction of the entrepreneurs. With this the minimum wage recuperousignificativamente its purchasing power. Beyond diversifying the produoagrcola, the government Vargas was worried in stimulating the desenvolvimentoindustrial. For this it increased the importation taxes, raising the preosdos foreign products, and diminished the taxes on the national industry, stimulating the production and the consumption of national products. Really the Brasiltomou another route, I remember this period well, my Father I lived very well in DivinPastora I had a gas station, where he passed some caminhescheio of sugar cane daily to supply the next devices. He created state-owned companies to paraatuar in the branch of siderurgiafundou Companhia Siderurgical National.


Twelve Chairs

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But most of all I Like other read: re-open the soul, to rub salt into the wounds of the soul. Of phrases like 'poison the soul. " There is in fact something profoundly soulful, in the very heart of the Russian lethality in the transfer to each other intimate anecdotes. If we could trace the historical sequence of the emergence and spread of jokes, it certainly would open up direct communication and their closeness to the great events of history. Indeed, an anecdote, detail, humorous detail accurately and unambiguously express the great events of life, unexpectedly turn inside the wrong side of great events. And yet nobody knows what will more precisely pungent paradoxical anecdote, a symbol of his time, or rigorous scientific article that gives a description of the same phenomenon. Remember the stories of recent history, say, timid signs of protest Stalin's dictatorship, the Brezhnev era of stagnation jokes, daring challenges Gorbachev era restructuring, jokes about the "new Russian" – and you will see how many historical nuances bears little decomposing virus joke … Do you feel as if disembodied anonymous microbe-anecdote, along with dissidents – fighters against the hated regime, economic performance and the laws of the market – is the main culprit for falling of entire empires, fanatical dictatorships.

It was he, laughing corroding, expanding from within the powerful ideological systems, mocking the 'eminent persons' party and the government, undermine faith in the people in the stability and strength of such a world order. After treatment, tightly laughed, exposed naked and turned inside out, no longer afraid, he simply stupid. The more twisted the nut power of censorship, the stricter punished for any expression of free thought, the angrier became the jokes, the better lay down the severity of the target. If you compare the stories, for example, Khrushchev's Thaw, who appeared at the beginning of his ascent with anecdotes of recent years of a lover of corn, then you will immediately notice the difference in tone. In the end, does not matter what outfit would be the next world moral lesson or as a heroic epic, whether as a folk song, or as epic novel. The same generation destined to cry on 'Lay', another – to translate 'Crazy Roland' third admire 'War and world ', the fourth to laugh at' Twelve Chairs ', and our generation, you only' pay out jokes. "


Fiery Serpent

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COUNTRY Da'Arias Sacred country Da'Arias (gift Aryans) was the sunken continent of North Arctic Ocean and was divided into four rivers: Rai, Tula, and SMAD h'Arra. Each clan had its own Great Race territory bounded by the rivers. All four rivers flowed into an inland sea. At sea, an island on which stood Mountain of the World (Meru). Peace on the Mount was built by the city of Asgard and Daariysky great temple.

There is a copy of the card Da'Arias, which was copied Merkaterom in 1595 from the wall of one of the pyramids at Giza. (Today, many countries wanted to possess the land of our ancestors) FACE OF THE EARTH By Rune chronicles 300,000 years ago, the appearance of the planet Earth was very different. The Sahara was the sea, Indian Ocean – land. Strait of Gibraltar was not. On the Russian Champaign, where is Moscow, was the sea. On the territory of Omsk was a large island Buyan. Sacred Land Da'Arias linked to the mainland by the Isthmus of mountain Rhipaean (Ural) mountains.

The Volga River flows into the Black Sea. Different people on the Midgard-earth inhabited by people with different skin colors and defined territory of residence. This Earthly humanity has ancestors who arrived on the Midgard-earth from a variety of heavenly palaces – Star Systems, namely: Great Race – white skin, the Great Dragon – yellow skin color, the Fiery Serpent – red skin Gloomy Heath – black color; Pekelnogo World – gray color, foreigners (Jews).