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Transporting Alliance

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So that the company obtains 10% of reduction in the costs with fuels that was considered in the simulation above, the same one will have to implement a program of constant training for its drivers, instructing the same ones on interpersonal relationship, driver citizen, quality in the attendance to the customer, Brazilian legislation of transits, economic direction and recycling of MOPP (Movement of Dangerous Products). Moreover, as the oil diesel is one of the first item that the spread sheet of cost of road pursuing heads, many companies is betting in training of drivers with intention to reduce the fuel consumption. Ones of these companies is the Martins Group, that with the necessity to correct some vices and to obtain one better performance of its fleet it opted to this alternative and it got a economy of 13% in the costs with fuels. Before the training of economic direction, its vehicles made average of 5,3 km/l, after implemented the training it was obtained to increase the average of same between 6,2km/l and 6,4km/l. Another item that has a very great impact in the fuel consumption and that it will have to be revised in the preventive maintenances is the injector bombs and injector peaks. According to Adriano et al (2008), a time that desregulados, the vehicle will be able to increase the fuel consumption in up to 60%, what impacta in an increase of cost very raised.

Table 4.4 Comparative degree between Costs with Parts without Preventive maintenance and the Implementation of the Preventive maintenance. Graph 4,4 Comparative degree between Costs with Parts without Preventive maintenance and the Implementation of the Preventive maintenance. For Bosco Joo (2008), director of Logistic of the Transporting Alliance, the preventive maintenances of the 25,000 trucks must be carried through to each km. Following this cronograma, the transporter obtained to minimize its costs and to maximize its profits getting a satisfactory edge of profit.