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The Department

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Commenting on a day with a friend from college to that found on the street, this tells you that it has reached an agreement with his boss, and now makes schedule of morning, with which in the evenings is with their children. Excited, Ana proposes it to Paco, his boss, who refuses in round. -It seems impossible, Ana, I propose that, so many years here, already know the amount of work that we have delayed, and I still propose working fewer hours – but Paco, working from seven to three alone would be one hour less, and work that will make the nine-hour split day is probably capable of doing so at eight in the morning, and I’m also willing to charge a little less for that hour not working – ifyou sure you’re doing the same job then what you telling me, do that now you scratch you belly? That said, you know that there is much backlog, so do not talk more. Ana goes to his bleak house. After a few days pondering it, says his boss to leave work.

Hard to Paco understand it. One day your employee’s life makes a pretty absurd request, and within a few days will be of the company. Paco hires Agnes, a young graduate with several years of experience in a company from the competition. Ines is organized and has a good command of the computing. In a short time, get another way to organize the Department, and brings forward all the work that had delayed.

In addition, prepare a few dynamic worksheets related to program management through ODBC, which has some pretty interesting reports in real time, without having to spend countless hours. Which means extra time to make even more tasks. It seems that things have greatly improved. However, there is something that worries Paco. This girl always comes out at eight o’clock, does not a minute more.


The Beverage

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It is necessary therefore to understand who is alcoholic, suffers from an addiction to drinks containing alcohol, and that this addiction makes it dependent on these, and which might be dependent because it is precisely this dependence, which is also a necessity that has a demonstration behaviour that leads him to drink the beverage, but which is produced by the momentum, and the obsession only muted both by the intake of alcohol, and so person is happens the cycle indefinitely in time and in the life of this. I.e. at some point in the life of this person today alcoholic, there was a desire and an enjoy of obtaining the satisfaction of that desire, enjoyment by the intake. But then when obtaining and achieving this desire was transformed in a habit, in a compulsion to the satisfaction of the addictive behavior, already the person cannot exercise his will is now trapped by the compulsion to satisfy this obsession, this addictive need more no longer a wish, the enjoyment is why satisfaction, there is only the need to meet the compulsa to drink. It gives also on the alcoholic and product of precisely the chronicity of the habit, the threshold in which the State of alcoholic drowsiness symptoms occur are increasingly minor, this patient says it as soon as it reaches the query, it is generally, says he feels with the advance of his history of alcohol consumption is becoming increasingly less necessary to feel equally alcohol index intoxicated by this intake. It is therefore important to demystify about the possibility of stopping drinking in compulsively alcoholic, which has already entered into a both physical and psychic dependence on drink. It is important to keep this in mind, in order thereby to help sufferers of alcoholism, is the place we occupy in the life of this person, either from what link affective, family, social, institutional, etc.



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Who is the King in the business? Joan Claramunt 1. Customer focus: the customer is King. This is the concept on which turns the rest of the philosophy of relationship marketing. He has been living in an economy in which the Center was the product to move to an economy centered on the client. 2.

Customer intelligence: you need to have knowledge about the client in order to develop products/services focused on their expectations. Databases and rules are used to convert data into knowledge. 3 Interactivity: The communication process passes a monologue (Enterprise to customer) to a dialogue (between the company and customer). In addition, is the client that directs dialogue and decides when it starts and when it ends. 4 Customer loyalty: is much better and more profitable (in the order of six times less) to gain the loyalty of customers who acquire new customers. The customer loyalty becomes very important and therefore the management of the life cycle of the client. 5.

The axis of communication is focused direct marketing to individual customers rather than in mass media (TV, press, etc.). Moves to develop campaigns based on profiles with products, offers and messages directed specifically to certain types of customers, instead of using mass media with non-differentiated messages. 6 Customizing: Each customer wants communications and custom offerings so you need great efforts in intelligence and customer segmentation. Customization of the message, in background and shape, increases drastically the effectiveness of communication actions. 7 Think of customers as an asset whose profitability is often in the medium and long term and not always in short-term revenue. The client becomes reference to develop marketing strategies to capture its value over time.