The Geometric

When his unit dug pit at the bottom of which there is a bias toward the center. Then, on the gravel drainage network training fit – drainage pipeline for untreated sewage. Next comes the filter layer greater than in the case of fields of filtration thickness. It can reach 1.5-1.8 m. Then he laid crushed stone or gravel, and on it – irrigation tube. The performance of this system is about 100 liters / day. meter on the irrigation pipeline.

The filter trench – a more modest post-treatment facility capacity. They have almost the same device, sand and gravel filter. The main difference is that the irrigation pipes are located is not a network, and linear, each in his own trench. Companies that are developing such systems offer different options material loading and the geometric dimensions of the trenches. An example of construction using the cleansing properties of the soil, may serve as a filtration plant type (septic system and biofilter). These settings are designed at different volume flows from 750 to 4000 l / day. Their work is based on the mechanisms of ground clearance. First, liquid wastes enter the septic tank, made from high quality fiberglass.

Then, waste water, freed from suspended particles and impurities are sent to a distribution well. From there, they served in the spray tube and are dispersed over a layer of crushed stone preparation. In the crushed stone and sand layers of the soil filter is an aerobic post-treatment. Question discharge treated sewage is solved individually for each case.