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Spiritual Growth

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Because we are in Christmas, I want to share with you this wonderful day of great meaning, when we celebrated the Birth of Jesus, Our Gentleman. In this superb day I want ofrecerte my better thoughts of love, happiness, enthusiasm, faith, peace, prosperity and gratitude. I want animarte to spend all this day with the loved beings of your life, or if they are far, dale a signal of life and dile whatever them mistresses. Today it is, par excellence, the day of the love, of the brotherhood, of the good vibrations, to offer the best thing of you, to say and to prove the affection and the love that you have inside, today they cannot, more than ever, to fit escusas, today it is a day when the love, that is the magnet for all the good things, must cover like a blanket with snow all the universe, and to become in the air that you breathe, in your body, today you are all fact of love. It leaves your thoughts it floods the Universe, feels as you want the entire world, the love he is universal, it is the force greater than it has, the sacred ingredient that it does not have to lack of the heart of any being human, the deficiency of the love is the cause of all the bad one in this world, a human being who receives love is warm, smiling, has the full heart of joy, love, the love is born love, cheers, a human being who receives love is blessed of Jesus. Our Gentleman wants that you are happy, healthy and rich, and she is glad for you, when you are in the frequency, in the generosity, fullness, happiness, kindness wave. You do not forget that you have been born happy, healthy and rich, and thus you must be all the life, this is the natural state of each human being, and I am going to say a very important thing to you: " It is Your Right By Birth To be Happy, Sano and Rico" , you do not have to accept another Earth thing here, you do not have to forget that you live only once, every second that happens, does not return, the most appreciated resource, the most appreciated value than you have in this life on the Earth it is your time, invirtelo well, happens with the people who concern much to you of this time, and, when these only, she spiritually meditates, she thinks, she grows, resptate same, respects to the others, your mission in this world is not to knead wealth, but you know yourself same, to evolve spiritually, to grow like person, to have a good character, to make the things of a correct way, to arrive at honrarte same. .